Eyes Open International
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Eyes Open International
We are a non-profit group focused on combating human trafficking through empowerment. Our founders are survivors of human trafficking, and work tirelessly to prevent this crime from happening to anyone else. Our organization consults various levels of government and develop methods of cultivating resilience, hope, and freedom in vulnerable populations as well as organize and participate in talks, seminars, group discussions, and special events that promote human trafficking awareness and survivor-led methods.
Human Labor Trafficking and Debt Bondage
In India, the word ’SWARAG” means heaven. But to many there, so does the word America. It is hard to believe that the person serving you dinner, cleaning your room in a motel, pumping gas, or selling you a carton of milk in the local convenience store might be a victim of human labor trafficking and debt bondage. That’s part of what makes this crime so difficult to stop.
I Failed, on 4 P's: I failed as a Parent, Provider, Protector, and Person. Today, Rohan, Bradly, and Dancy flipped my 4 P's into Passion, Purpose, Power, & Prosperity in life.
Modern slavery is almost invisible, yet it exists in communities across the United States of America, including here in Ohio. That’s why at the age of 37, I, Harold D’Souza left a successful career in my home country to bring my young family here for a job promising at least $75,000 a year.
In slavery life is changed, not ended. Survivors are poor starters, but strong finishers.
Human Labor Trafficking and Debt Bondage in the United States of America is just the "Tip pf the Iceberg".

President Barack Obama, appointed Honorable Harold D'Souza, in 2015 to the historic United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.
We never had running water and electricity growing up in India. The concept of restroom and bathroom never prevailed in those days. Every family will draw water from the "Well". In every "Well" there is a frog. The frog believes, this is the world, not knowing there is a better world outside of the "Well". Similarly, a victim in human labor /Sex Trafficking and debt bondage believes that living under the control of the "Perpetrator" is the the only "World". The victim is manipulated, tricked and trapped by the "Perpetrator". the victim is mesmerized by the trafficker, unable to understand that there is a better world with happiness, respect, love, choice, care and freedom.
Won the iCAN Humanitarian Service Award at Chicago on March 18, 2017, grateful to Dr. Kalyani Gopal
Imagine that you wake up in a place where you don’t know the culture, you don’t know the laws, you don’t know the people, and you don’t know the resources. Imagine that you thought you were going to arise to a better life for yourself and your family but find yourself on the floor with no bed. You’re working 16 hours a day. Imagine you have no food and no money because someone you trusted took the small amount of money you had “to keep it safe”, and provided you a one-bedroom apartment, with no furniture, microwave, then threatened you with arrest, handcuffs, jail, and deportation, if you didn’t continue working without pay. You’re working so many hours that you can’t get home to care for your two small children.
Bold, Brilliant, Beautiful, Marie-Christine Nibagwire is an inspiration to the WORLD, a survivor of Rwanda Genocide of 1994.
This couldn’t happen in the United States of America, could it?
Certainly, this couldn't happen in Cincinnati, Ohio, could it?
Mark Curnutte, Diana Maria Lara, and Ambassador John Richmond at Freedom Center, Cincinnati.
“They say in India, that only God’s chosen ones get to go to America”. So, everyone doesn’t get an opportunity. I came to the United States of America on four principles; I came on trust, I came on faith, I came on a promise and I came to live my American dream. Dancy and mines is an arranged marriage.
My Loving Father (Henry D'Souza ) slept on the Railway Platforms at Dabhoi, Gujarat, India in 1957. Parents Blessings to reach The White House. Thank you Mom and Dad.
Little did I know that my trust got transformed into trauma, faith changed to fear, promise turned to slavery, and my American dream which was supposed to be heaven became a hell.
Inspiring students at University of Cincinnati to be happy, be empowered, be thankful and to believe in themselves.
PBO Board Member Bradly D'Souza Story
But after 18 months, I was something else – one of thousands of victims of human labor trafficking and debt bondage. My wife and I were not paid for working nonstop at a local restaurant in the days before Ohio had human trafficking laws.
Maria Busch and Sophia Papadimos Love, Respect, Care and Understand Survivors Families, Feelings, Emotions & Sentiments.
I received death threats, threats to kidnap my children, as I pursued my back wages, while my so-called boss once slapped my kids in front of me and my wife was sexually abused at the restaurant. I was broken. I was dying, starving and distressed; and my instability greatly affected my family. For 133 months, I was exploited at the hands of the human trafficker, losing my freedom and struggling to keep my family safe.
Turning Obstacles into Opportunities.
Today, I am a Survivor-Advocate and Public Speaker. My experience has given me a new purpose and meaning in life.
The reason I am sharing this is that what my family has gone through, I don’t want any individual to go through. Every human being is born with freedom. Who are we to curtail that?
Age is just a number. What your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve
Education is Power. The foundation of my value, character, moral, and education comes from India. Recently published a book; "Frog in a Well".
Ivanka Trump, Senior Advisor to the President, Looks, Listens, Loves, Laughs & Learns from "Survivors".
In Gods home there is delay no denial. United States President Barack Obama appointed me to the historic United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking in 2015 and recently reappointed by President Trump. I am also an expert consultant to the Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.
Mother Teresa truly practiced; "If you judge people, you have no time to love them". Living his life practicing is Dr. Scott Silverstein. Today Dr. Scott Silverstein is more involved with helping survivors of trafficking through some dental partnerships. Dr. Scott Silverstein and his compassionate team got back my, smile, strength, and success. Please read the incredible, inspiring and intelligent Dr. Scott Silverstein's testimony.
True Hero of Human Labor/Sex Trafficking and Debt Bondage Survivors; Dr. Scott Silverstein
"I first met Harold, approximately three years ago. He had been referred to my practice for some complex dental/periodontal issues. It became immediately apparent that there was something different about him, unique and genuine. His first clinical encounter in our office was with one of our team members, Meagan, who has the role of dental hygienist/treatment coordinator. After interviewing Harold and performing his preliminary examination, she came to me and shared not only his dental situation, but a little bit about what he had been through and why his mouth was in the condition with which he presented. Having experience with patients who have dealt with major life traumas, we knew there would be issues with trust, but we also knew that we needed to help this very kind soul. As Harold, embarked on his treatment journey, we all got to know him much better.
One of the things I found most amazing about him is that he does not appear to carry any anger over what he and his family went through. Instead, he has channeled his experience to be an advocate and help others.
Sometime later he introduced me to his wonderful family, and it was easy to see where his strength and resolve came from. Harold, is a breath of fresh air and he provides an amazing example of resilience, strength, and determination. I continue to admire him, and through his acquaintance, I feel that I have learned so much as well. Quite simply, he is an inspiration. I look forward to our continued friendship and hope to help others facing difficult circumstances". pure reflection of humble, honest, human nature of Dr. Scott Silverstein.
Team work makes the dream work. Megan Bauer, Kim Fehrenbach and Alexandra Lepard, always smiled, shook hands and hugged me. Survivors are hungry of love, thirsty of smiles, and starving of hugs.
Caring, Kim Fehrenbach, Meagan Bauer, Alexandra Lepard and Human Hero Healer Dr. Scott Silverstein.
“Being a part of Dr. Scott Silverstein’s team has allowed many beautiful people to come in to our lives. Harold D’Souza stands out as one of the most kind and amazing people to have walked in to our practice. He has somehow been able to bring good from his own traumatic experience. He has blessed us with his smile and kindness. He has brought to light a horrible reality that was once his own. We strive not only to help our patients, but to make a difference. Harold has shown us how to be better people and help give us hope that we can overcome the obstacles that the world places in front of us.” shared Kim, Meagan and Alex.
Most modern-day enslaved people endure forced labor. Harold D'Souza was one of them.
Jessica Donohue-Dioh changed my life from slavery to success.
Notably, my passion is to be the voice, courage, hope and freedom for trafficking victims. My purpose is to prevent vulnerable population in India coming to the United States of America illegally, fraudulently, manipulated, tricked and tapped by agents, perpetrators and traffickers.
A family that prays, struggles, plays, eats, travels, and volunteers together, stays together. God is good.
I am visiting India in November for 4 weeks, doing presentations to create, awareness, education, prevention and protection at Schools, Universities, Government Organizations, NGO’s, Faith Based Organizations, Churches, YMCA and public events.
State Representative Tavia Golanski and State Senator Teresa Fedor Honoring Harold at The Ohio Statehouse, Columbus.
Many Indians are victims of Human Labor Trafficking and Debt Bondage in America. Most of them are male. It’s a cultural stigma, shame, sorrow, sacrifice and sadness that these victims do not have the courage to speak out for fear of getting arrested, handcuffed, jailed and deported. Secondly no one is sharing the true picture of America back in India. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Saint Saviour Parishioners, Russ and Marlene, our relationship is more then Blood.
I will be visiting India; creating prevention in, Mumbai, Surat, Vadodara, Anand, Nadiad, New Delhi, Mangalore, Khambhat, Pune, Chennai, Calcutta and Bangalore. My goal is to raise $10,000 by promoting my book; “Frog in a Well”. All proceeds from this book will go towards prevention in India.
Survivors are poor starters, but strong finishers.
Please support this good humanitarian cause. Donations in any denomination helps. Save a Survivor.
'I was broken': Local human trafficking survivor brings national council to town
Honorable Bukola Oriola inspired me to publish this Book: "Frog in a Well".
My goal is to cultivate hope, courage, resilience and freedom for all. “Suicide or silence is neither a solution, nor an option or choice”. Many innocent victims commit suicide, but my friends that is ‘Murder” not ‘Suicide”.

Veez Konkani Weekly cover page story
Every situation in life should be overcome in an optimistic style, even if you are in a vulnerable position, be it critical health, financial crisis, unemployment, broken relationship, divorce, child abuse, or victim of labor and/or sex trafficking.
Awesome, Amazing, Roxanna Rodriguez-Torres I Director for Transnational Organized Crime National Security Crime I The White House I Roxanna touched my heart when she recognized, respected and rewarded me at The White House. Salute you for your humanity for Survivors.
Never quit, accept and own your problems, victory will be yours forever. Stigma, shame, sorrow, and struggles are the path to success. Live your life to the fullest. Three things to take away from my journey of slavery to success are; be happy, be empowered, and be thankful.
I believe in fixing the problem rather than blame and I believe nothing is impossible if one stays focused on their mission.
Victim of human labor trafficking now fighting the problem in national spotlight
I am the co-founder of Eyes Open International, a non-profit focused on developing prevention efforts through survivor informed research. I have been invited to speak throughout the United States as well as in India, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. I have spoken at Harvard University, and addressed the United Nation on the importance of recognizing and protecting vulnerable populations susceptible to trafficking.
Frank Brogan, Assistant Secretary, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, United States Department of Education believes in empowering School's on Human Trafficking. Promoting; "Frog in a Well".
My favorite quotes include “I am a poor starter, but strong finisher” and “Don’t worry, be happy”.
Please keep me in your Prayers, even if you are unable to donate but your spiritual support will create miracles.
Suicide or silence is not a solution, nor an option or choice. Suicide is Murder.
Making a mistake is not a mistake, Making no mistake is a mistake, Repeating a mistake isa big mistake, Learning from your mistake to empower other victims to live a happy life is not a mistake.
Thank you for supporting victims to live a happy life. Donation of one dollar, sacrifice of one coffee, skipping to buy one time from a wending machine and having a dinner at home with family, instead of going to a restaurant will definitely save a life. Believe in yourself. God Bless You All.
We are a non-profit group focused on combating human trafficking through empowerment. Our founders are survivors of human trafficking, and work tirelessly to prevent this crime from happening to anyone else. Our organization consults various levels of government and develop methods of cultivating resilience, hope, and freedom in vulnerable populations as well as organize and participate in talks, seminars, group discussions, and special events that promote human trafficking awareness and survivor-led methods.
Human Labor Trafficking and Debt Bondage
In India, the word ’SWARAG” means heaven. But to many there, so does the word America. It is hard to believe that the person serving you dinner, cleaning your room in a motel, pumping gas, or selling you a carton of milk in the local convenience store might be a victim of human labor trafficking and debt bondage. That’s part of what makes this crime so difficult to stop.

Modern slavery is almost invisible, yet it exists in communities across the United States of America, including here in Ohio. That’s why at the age of 37, I, Harold D’Souza left a successful career in my home country to bring my young family here for a job promising at least $75,000 a year.
In slavery life is changed, not ended. Survivors are poor starters, but strong finishers.
Human Labor Trafficking and Debt Bondage in the United States of America is just the "Tip pf the Iceberg".

President Barack Obama, appointed Honorable Harold D'Souza, in 2015 to the historic United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.
We never had running water and electricity growing up in India. The concept of restroom and bathroom never prevailed in those days. Every family will draw water from the "Well". In every "Well" there is a frog. The frog believes, this is the world, not knowing there is a better world outside of the "Well". Similarly, a victim in human labor /Sex Trafficking and debt bondage believes that living under the control of the "Perpetrator" is the the only "World". The victim is manipulated, tricked and trapped by the "Perpetrator". the victim is mesmerized by the trafficker, unable to understand that there is a better world with happiness, respect, love, choice, care and freedom.

Imagine that you wake up in a place where you don’t know the culture, you don’t know the laws, you don’t know the people, and you don’t know the resources. Imagine that you thought you were going to arise to a better life for yourself and your family but find yourself on the floor with no bed. You’re working 16 hours a day. Imagine you have no food and no money because someone you trusted took the small amount of money you had “to keep it safe”, and provided you a one-bedroom apartment, with no furniture, microwave, then threatened you with arrest, handcuffs, jail, and deportation, if you didn’t continue working without pay. You’re working so many hours that you can’t get home to care for your two small children.

This couldn’t happen in the United States of America, could it?
Certainly, this couldn't happen in Cincinnati, Ohio, could it?

“They say in India, that only God’s chosen ones get to go to America”. So, everyone doesn’t get an opportunity. I came to the United States of America on four principles; I came on trust, I came on faith, I came on a promise and I came to live my American dream. Dancy and mines is an arranged marriage.

Little did I know that my trust got transformed into trauma, faith changed to fear, promise turned to slavery, and my American dream which was supposed to be heaven became a hell.

PBO Board Member Bradly D'Souza Story
But after 18 months, I was something else – one of thousands of victims of human labor trafficking and debt bondage. My wife and I were not paid for working nonstop at a local restaurant in the days before Ohio had human trafficking laws.

I received death threats, threats to kidnap my children, as I pursued my back wages, while my so-called boss once slapped my kids in front of me and my wife was sexually abused at the restaurant. I was broken. I was dying, starving and distressed; and my instability greatly affected my family. For 133 months, I was exploited at the hands of the human trafficker, losing my freedom and struggling to keep my family safe.

Today, I am a Survivor-Advocate and Public Speaker. My experience has given me a new purpose and meaning in life.
The reason I am sharing this is that what my family has gone through, I don’t want any individual to go through. Every human being is born with freedom. Who are we to curtail that?
Age is just a number. What your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve
Education is Power. The foundation of my value, character, moral, and education comes from India. Recently published a book; "Frog in a Well".

In Gods home there is delay no denial. United States President Barack Obama appointed me to the historic United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking in 2015 and recently reappointed by President Trump. I am also an expert consultant to the Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.
Mother Teresa truly practiced; "If you judge people, you have no time to love them". Living his life practicing is Dr. Scott Silverstein. Today Dr. Scott Silverstein is more involved with helping survivors of trafficking through some dental partnerships. Dr. Scott Silverstein and his compassionate team got back my, smile, strength, and success. Please read the incredible, inspiring and intelligent Dr. Scott Silverstein's testimony.

"I first met Harold, approximately three years ago. He had been referred to my practice for some complex dental/periodontal issues. It became immediately apparent that there was something different about him, unique and genuine. His first clinical encounter in our office was with one of our team members, Meagan, who has the role of dental hygienist/treatment coordinator. After interviewing Harold and performing his preliminary examination, she came to me and shared not only his dental situation, but a little bit about what he had been through and why his mouth was in the condition with which he presented. Having experience with patients who have dealt with major life traumas, we knew there would be issues with trust, but we also knew that we needed to help this very kind soul. As Harold, embarked on his treatment journey, we all got to know him much better.
One of the things I found most amazing about him is that he does not appear to carry any anger over what he and his family went through. Instead, he has channeled his experience to be an advocate and help others.
Sometime later he introduced me to his wonderful family, and it was easy to see where his strength and resolve came from. Harold, is a breath of fresh air and he provides an amazing example of resilience, strength, and determination. I continue to admire him, and through his acquaintance, I feel that I have learned so much as well. Quite simply, he is an inspiration. I look forward to our continued friendship and hope to help others facing difficult circumstances". pure reflection of humble, honest, human nature of Dr. Scott Silverstein.
Team work makes the dream work. Megan Bauer, Kim Fehrenbach and Alexandra Lepard, always smiled, shook hands and hugged me. Survivors are hungry of love, thirsty of smiles, and starving of hugs.

“Being a part of Dr. Scott Silverstein’s team has allowed many beautiful people to come in to our lives. Harold D’Souza stands out as one of the most kind and amazing people to have walked in to our practice. He has somehow been able to bring good from his own traumatic experience. He has blessed us with his smile and kindness. He has brought to light a horrible reality that was once his own. We strive not only to help our patients, but to make a difference. Harold has shown us how to be better people and help give us hope that we can overcome the obstacles that the world places in front of us.” shared Kim, Meagan and Alex.
Most modern-day enslaved people endure forced labor. Harold D'Souza was one of them.

Notably, my passion is to be the voice, courage, hope and freedom for trafficking victims. My purpose is to prevent vulnerable population in India coming to the United States of America illegally, fraudulently, manipulated, tricked and tapped by agents, perpetrators and traffickers.
A family that prays, struggles, plays, eats, travels, and volunteers together, stays together. God is good.
I am visiting India in November for 4 weeks, doing presentations to create, awareness, education, prevention and protection at Schools, Universities, Government Organizations, NGO’s, Faith Based Organizations, Churches, YMCA and public events.

Many Indians are victims of Human Labor Trafficking and Debt Bondage in America. Most of them are male. It’s a cultural stigma, shame, sorrow, sacrifice and sadness that these victims do not have the courage to speak out for fear of getting arrested, handcuffed, jailed and deported. Secondly no one is sharing the true picture of America back in India. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

I will be visiting India; creating prevention in, Mumbai, Surat, Vadodara, Anand, Nadiad, New Delhi, Mangalore, Khambhat, Pune, Chennai, Calcutta and Bangalore. My goal is to raise $10,000 by promoting my book; “Frog in a Well”. All proceeds from this book will go towards prevention in India.

Please support this good humanitarian cause. Donations in any denomination helps. Save a Survivor.
'I was broken': Local human trafficking survivor brings national council to town

My goal is to cultivate hope, courage, resilience and freedom for all. “Suicide or silence is neither a solution, nor an option or choice”. Many innocent victims commit suicide, but my friends that is ‘Murder” not ‘Suicide”.

Veez Konkani Weekly cover page story
Every situation in life should be overcome in an optimistic style, even if you are in a vulnerable position, be it critical health, financial crisis, unemployment, broken relationship, divorce, child abuse, or victim of labor and/or sex trafficking.

Never quit, accept and own your problems, victory will be yours forever. Stigma, shame, sorrow, and struggles are the path to success. Live your life to the fullest. Three things to take away from my journey of slavery to success are; be happy, be empowered, and be thankful.
I believe in fixing the problem rather than blame and I believe nothing is impossible if one stays focused on their mission.
Victim of human labor trafficking now fighting the problem in national spotlight
I am the co-founder of Eyes Open International, a non-profit focused on developing prevention efforts through survivor informed research. I have been invited to speak throughout the United States as well as in India, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. I have spoken at Harvard University, and addressed the United Nation on the importance of recognizing and protecting vulnerable populations susceptible to trafficking.

My favorite quotes include “I am a poor starter, but strong finisher” and “Don’t worry, be happy”.
Please keep me in your Prayers, even if you are unable to donate but your spiritual support will create miracles.

Bradly, Dancy, Rohan, are my Pillars, Purpose, Passion, Power and Prosperity for cultivating me from ZERO to HERO. Won The Liberator Award.
Together we can change the outcome to end modern day slavery in this world. Thank You.
Every “Penny” is going to save a victims life in India.
The purpose and passion of this particular project is to protect victims get manipulated, tricked and trapped. Classic example here.
Will deeply appreciate any support in promoting this book on social media, press, Schools, Philanthrophist or organizing an event to distribute signed copies, will mean a lot to the Victims.
Together we can change the outcome to end modern day slavery in this world. Thank You.
Every “Penny” is going to save a victims life in India.
The purpose and passion of this particular project is to protect victims get manipulated, tricked and trapped. Classic example here.
Will deeply appreciate any support in promoting this book on social media, press, Schools, Philanthrophist or organizing an event to distribute signed copies, will mean a lot to the Victims.
Suicide or silence is not a solution, nor an option or choice. Suicide is Murder.
Making a mistake is not a mistake, Making no mistake is a mistake, Repeating a mistake isa big mistake, Learning from your mistake to empower other victims to live a happy life is not a mistake.
Thank you for supporting victims to live a happy life. Donation of one dollar, sacrifice of one coffee, skipping to buy one time from a wending machine and having a dinner at home with family, instead of going to a restaurant will definitely save a life. Believe in yourself. God Bless You All.
Harold D'Souza
Cincinnati, OH