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Eymen'in Kalbine Dokunur Musun?

Donación protegida
Eymen 6 yaşında ve doğumsal kalp hastası. Tek ventrikül kalbinin sağ tarafi gelişmemis ve doğduğundan beri tedavi altında. Bir çok kez anjio ve iki kez bypass geçirdi. Son ameliyatındaki bir komplikasyon nedeniyle "Plastik Bronşit" hastalığı oluştu. Suan Türkiye'de bu hastalığa sahip tek çocuk çünkü çok nadir görülen bir komplikasyon ve tedavisi sadece Amerika'da ki bir çocuk hastanesinde var (Nemours Children's Health System, Delaware, USA). Ailenin maddi durumu iyi değil. Annesi yıllardır Eymen'in tedavisi icin satışlar yaparak uğraşıyor. Eymen son zamanlarda sık sık öksürük nöbetleri geçiriyor ve hava yollarında oluşan "chat" denilen et parçalarını çıkarıyor. Doktorlar Eymen'in artık kesin tedavi vakti geldiğini söylediler ve sizlerin yardımı olmadan ailenin bu tedavinin altından kalkması mümkün değil. Lütfen destek verin ve Eymen sağlığına kavuşsun.

Eymen is a 6 years-old boy with a heart disease. His right side of the single ventricle heart is undeveloped when he was born. He has been getting treatment since the birth;  he had angiography several times and bypasses twice. In his last surgery, a complication was developed and caused Plastic Bronchitis in his lymphatic system. The disease is very rare in Turkey and the only treatment is in a children hospital in the USA (Nemours Children's Health System in Delaware). The family's financial situation is not good. His mother has been trying to sell various items to afford Eymen's treatment for years. Eymen has been having frequent bouts of coughing recently and throwing up caulk-like plugs (known as casts). Doctors said that it is time for Eymen to get the main treatment and without your help, the family cannot afford this treatment. Please support Eymen’s family and help him to be healthy.
Note: Ummuhan Geyik is a friend of Eymen's family and organizing this fundraiser on behalf of the family. Sibel Akyuz (Eymen's mom) has authorized Ummuhan to handle the withdrawal and delivery of funds to their family. Ummuhan will withdraw the funds and deliver the funds via the method mom decides.

Organizador y beneficiario

Ummuhan Malkoc
Kansas City, MO
osman Dulgeroglu

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