EnviroVideo Beyond Giving Tuesday 2020
Tax deductible
Please Support Envision Environmental Media Center – Giving Tuesday and Beyond 2020 Fundraising Campaign
Please watch the 1 minute Envision Environmental Media Center pitch, showing a sampling of recent programs including Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman. Please take a look above.
Your support is needed and contribution to Envision is tax-deductible.
Our programs are broadcast on Free Speech TV on nearly 200 cable TV systems in 40 states and on the Dish and DirecTV satellite networks—reaching 40 million households. Moreover, short segments are made out of the half-hour Enviro Close-Up programs and these air daily on Free Speech TV. Also, our programs are simulcast on the FreeSpeech.org website worldwide. We work to provide information about critical environmental and energy issues and present people involved in these issues—rarely on TV anywhere else. Our goal is to provide information people can use to make informed decisions and take positive action to create a sustainable future. We greatly need your help. Also, please visit our website at www.envirovideo.com to see the hundreds of programs we have made over our 29 years.
Thank you!
Frank Melli
Producer and Director
Envision Environmental Media Center
Please watch the 1 minute Envision Environmental Media Center pitch, showing a sampling of recent programs including Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman. Please take a look above.
Your support is needed and contribution to Envision is tax-deductible.
Our programs are broadcast on Free Speech TV on nearly 200 cable TV systems in 40 states and on the Dish and DirecTV satellite networks—reaching 40 million households. Moreover, short segments are made out of the half-hour Enviro Close-Up programs and these air daily on Free Speech TV. Also, our programs are simulcast on the FreeSpeech.org website worldwide. We work to provide information about critical environmental and energy issues and present people involved in these issues—rarely on TV anywhere else. Our goal is to provide information people can use to make informed decisions and take positive action to create a sustainable future. We greatly need your help. Also, please visit our website at www.envirovideo.com to see the hundreds of programs we have made over our 29 years.
Thank you!
Frank Melli
Producer and Director
Envision Environmental Media Center
Frank Melli
Sag Harbor, NY
Envision Environmental Media Center