Face shields for Zambia #LusakaHelps (COVID-19)
To support the Ministry of Health (Zambia) with the fight against COVID-19, we have begun making face shields in Lusaka, using locally available supplies and an incredibly passionate and hard-working group from Barefeet Theatre. Each face shield costs ~$0.50 to assemble and they are fully reusable. Our new target is to raise funds to make 50,000 face shields to be given out to our frontline healthcare workers who are treating patients with COVID-19, collecting swabs, or screening them. Coupled with the face shields, we would like to make 10,000 face masks to be given out to the patients in the outpatient and inpatient departments .
As of May 31, 2020 we have already distributed 20,647 face shields throughout all 10 provinces in Zambia and we have funding to make 40,000 face shields and continue distributing them throughout the country.
Our new target is to raise $30,000 to make 50,000 face shields and 10,000 face masks!
We truly appreciate any donations you are able to make to support this cause. A donation as small as $5 will suffice to make 10 face shields or cotton face masks.
Please share with your Family & Friends!