Fairfield Figs
Donation protected
Hello, Welcome to Fairfield Figs!
I have a mission in life: To use natures gifts to heal, educate & nourish people to live their highest good!"
My wonderful supportive husband Kerry (who is doing most of the actual construction with community help) & I are building a very special large Greenhouse (Super High Tunnel)for the Fairfield community. Its 19' high.
We need help in getting it up and operational before the winter and paying for the work that has been done to date. Please hit both donate and share buttons above.
Many people in the community have participated in getting it built. (see video farther down) WHY?
People love fresh local food! Especially FIGS!
Nearly ripe Chicago Hardy Figs 9-1-17
We have been growing fresh figs for over 13 years in Fairfield. They have marvelous health benefits and are actually easy to grow (if you know how).
We have given away around 20 doz figs, 1 at a time at the Farmers Market and Art Walks to bring awareness to the project. Many Iowa natives have never tasted a fresh fig. It was fun to see their reaction when they tasted their first one!
This Greenhouse is not only a long term investment in the community by providing several varieties of Figs but also be:
1. A nursery to propagate baby fig trees for sale & classes
2. A location of classes and workshops
3. A Local food demonstration site. If this works we can multiply it and make Fairfield a fig forest!
4. A unique Sustainable food model fora variety of fruit, flowers, herbs and vegitables with low energy consumption. Emphasis on Figs in the late summer & Fall & fresh herbs and greens in the Spring & Winter.
5. Employment and training opportunity in food & herb production
6. A site for Value added products made with local food.
7. A warm(er) Fun place to hang out in cool to cold weather!
We need help getting it finished for the winter and paying for the work that has been done to date. Please hit both donate and share buttons above. We will keep you informed of what we are doing.
We need your help! We have had tremendous community support so far, building a beautiful structure with the help of many who selflessly offered their labor.
Now almost 2 years after we started. It's almost done, but it has been a very expensive project and we need to finish it by winter.
Some things yet to be done:
1.We have yet to enclose the Inner foundation with insulation and protection of the outer perimeter from burrowing critters. . .
2. Set up water catchment and a water system.
3. Start and plant a winter crop,
4. Transplant more figs into the ground.
5.Bring in compost and manures and create soil fertility.
6. Compost tea application by Jacob Kierger.
7. We need to create drainage along the N side.
8. Bring in and set up Tables and benches for work and nursey space.
9. Set up lights for propogation & vents and fans for air circulation.
10. Solar power system
the list goes on. . .
Please donate now so we can all enjoy an abundant crop of FIGS next summer. And some greens this winter!
Please hit Donate now.
Please Share to your friends and facebook contacts .
Thank you for your support!
More about us
Colleen is a founding member of the Fairfield Farmer’s Market in Fairfield, Iowain the early 90's. She has been gardening since for 60 years. Several years ago she graduated from the Permaculture design program. Her husband, Kerry Bell has taken on the huge task of getting the Greenhosue built and supporting his wife's Passion of growing 'things'. They have a beautiful 1 acre permaculture urban homestead on the edge of Fairfield. It is full of flowers, fruit, nut and berries as well as herbs and vegetables.
The frog and fish pond with hot pink water lily’s are a favorite of the children and adults alike.
Figs are hardy but not productive if left outside in Iowa for the winter. The Bells have been schlepping their trees indoors (basement or garage ) for the winter for years and have had as many 200 figs per potted tree. Just think how many figs will be produced when those mature trees are happily in the ground.
Hence the idea of a Permaculture Greenhouse ( super high tunnel) so the figs will be protected from extreme weather & extend the growing season to several months instead of six weeks. We needed it to be taller than most High Tunnels to accomodate trees! The bigger the figs trees the more figs. We want to meet the demand for fresh figs in Fairfield and SE Iowa,
Its been a long haul with several set backs but we are getting close to battening it up for the winter.
We need help paying for it all and getting it finished.
The original greenhouse was a solaroof design with double walls 2 feet apart to be super insulated and temperature controlled. That design was extremely faulty for Iowa and the partially built greenhouse was irrevocable damaged by strong wind. We were very discouraged.
Back to the drawing board. We essentially had to start over again this spring (2017) using what we could from the original building and adjusting. Now we have a hybrid High tunnel with double walled insulated perimeter at the foundation and raise able curtain on the South wall. The double walled foundation will hopefully keep the ground from freezing inside. The curtain will help with ventilation. Every step has been trial and error!
THis is the first row of figs inside the greenhouse with a few other volunteers. The Sunflowers in the back were the tallest ever. The first fig planted has 30 figs forming on it already.
Remember to contribute and pass this on. We so appreciate and look forward to have the energy of people all over the world focusing on the success of this experimental greenhouse.
THank you for sharing it.
Many Blessings
Colleen & Kerry Bell
This video was last summer of putting up the 50' long 2' high center beam 20 feet in the air. You can see the double layers of poles that were to hold the double layer of plastic. About 30 people participated with either labor or food for the laborors. We had fun & a great lunch!video from Werner Elmker
I have a mission in life: To use natures gifts to heal, educate & nourish people to live their highest good!"
My wonderful supportive husband Kerry (who is doing most of the actual construction with community help) & I are building a very special large Greenhouse (Super High Tunnel)for the Fairfield community. Its 19' high.
We need help in getting it up and operational before the winter and paying for the work that has been done to date. Please hit both donate and share buttons above.
Many people in the community have participated in getting it built. (see video farther down) WHY?
People love fresh local food! Especially FIGS!

We have been growing fresh figs for over 13 years in Fairfield. They have marvelous health benefits and are actually easy to grow (if you know how).
We have given away around 20 doz figs, 1 at a time at the Farmers Market and Art Walks to bring awareness to the project. Many Iowa natives have never tasted a fresh fig. It was fun to see their reaction when they tasted their first one!
This Greenhouse is not only a long term investment in the community by providing several varieties of Figs but also be:
1. A nursery to propagate baby fig trees for sale & classes
2. A location of classes and workshops
3. A Local food demonstration site. If this works we can multiply it and make Fairfield a fig forest!
4. A unique Sustainable food model fora variety of fruit, flowers, herbs and vegitables with low energy consumption. Emphasis on Figs in the late summer & Fall & fresh herbs and greens in the Spring & Winter.
5. Employment and training opportunity in food & herb production
6. A site for Value added products made with local food.
7. A warm(er) Fun place to hang out in cool to cold weather!
We need help getting it finished for the winter and paying for the work that has been done to date. Please hit both donate and share buttons above. We will keep you informed of what we are doing.
We need your help! We have had tremendous community support so far, building a beautiful structure with the help of many who selflessly offered their labor.
Now almost 2 years after we started. It's almost done, but it has been a very expensive project and we need to finish it by winter.
Some things yet to be done:
1.We have yet to enclose the Inner foundation with insulation and protection of the outer perimeter from burrowing critters. . .
2. Set up water catchment and a water system.
3. Start and plant a winter crop,
4. Transplant more figs into the ground.
5.Bring in compost and manures and create soil fertility.
6. Compost tea application by Jacob Kierger.
7. We need to create drainage along the N side.
8. Bring in and set up Tables and benches for work and nursey space.
9. Set up lights for propogation & vents and fans for air circulation.
10. Solar power system
the list goes on. . .
Please donate now so we can all enjoy an abundant crop of FIGS next summer. And some greens this winter!
Please hit Donate now.
Please Share to your friends and facebook contacts .
Thank you for your support!
More about us
Colleen is a founding member of the Fairfield Farmer’s Market in Fairfield, Iowain the early 90's. She has been gardening since for 60 years. Several years ago she graduated from the Permaculture design program. Her husband, Kerry Bell has taken on the huge task of getting the Greenhosue built and supporting his wife's Passion of growing 'things'. They have a beautiful 1 acre permaculture urban homestead on the edge of Fairfield. It is full of flowers, fruit, nut and berries as well as herbs and vegetables.

Figs are hardy but not productive if left outside in Iowa for the winter. The Bells have been schlepping their trees indoors (basement or garage ) for the winter for years and have had as many 200 figs per potted tree. Just think how many figs will be produced when those mature trees are happily in the ground.
Hence the idea of a Permaculture Greenhouse ( super high tunnel) so the figs will be protected from extreme weather & extend the growing season to several months instead of six weeks. We needed it to be taller than most High Tunnels to accomodate trees! The bigger the figs trees the more figs. We want to meet the demand for fresh figs in Fairfield and SE Iowa,
Its been a long haul with several set backs but we are getting close to battening it up for the winter.
We need help paying for it all and getting it finished.
The original greenhouse was a solaroof design with double walls 2 feet apart to be super insulated and temperature controlled. That design was extremely faulty for Iowa and the partially built greenhouse was irrevocable damaged by strong wind. We were very discouraged.
Back to the drawing board. We essentially had to start over again this spring (2017) using what we could from the original building and adjusting. Now we have a hybrid High tunnel with double walled insulated perimeter at the foundation and raise able curtain on the South wall. The double walled foundation will hopefully keep the ground from freezing inside. The curtain will help with ventilation. Every step has been trial and error!

Remember to contribute and pass this on. We so appreciate and look forward to have the energy of people all over the world focusing on the success of this experimental greenhouse.
THank you for sharing it.
Many Blessings
Colleen & Kerry Bell
This video was last summer of putting up the 50' long 2' high center beam 20 feet in the air. You can see the double layers of poles that were to hold the double layer of plastic. About 30 people participated with either labor or food for the laborors. We had fun & a great lunch!video from Werner Elmker
Colleen Bell
Fairfield, IA