Hilario Huerta Angeles
Donation protected
Hola a todos,
Como muchas personas saben, nuestros abuelos vinieron de México a los Estados Unidos para visitar a nuestra familia durante los días festivos. Es triste decirlo, nuestro abuelo Hilario Huerta Ángeles perdió su batalla con COVID y falleció la noche del 31 de enero en el hospital Northside Duluth de Atlanta. Nuestro abuelo era un luchador, ingresó en el hospital a mediados de enero y estuvo ahí por dos semanas. Desafortunadamente, sus riñones estaban muy dañados, sus pulmones estaban frágiles y no podía respirar solo. Su corazón se había detenido y los médicos hicieron todo lo posible para ayudarlo, ganó sus alas celestiales.
Su fallecimiento inesperado ha dejado a nuestra familia desconsolada. Lo último que queremos es que su esposa, nuestra abuela, cargue con los gastos necesarios para que nuestro abuelo descanse en México.Por favor, sepa que estamos muy agradecidos, los fondos recaudados se destinarán a los gastos de su funeral en México. Les agradecemos a todos por sus amables palabras y apoyo durante este momento difícil.Mantenga a mi abuelo Hilario en sus pensamientos y oraciones, mantenga viva su memoria. Era una persona extraordinaria y tenía un corazón de oro.Queremos cumplirle un deseo. Era muy generoso en dar, compartir, dar en los que necesitan.
Que en paz descanse.
Hello everyone,
As many people may know our grandparents came from Mexico to the U.S. to visit our family for the holiday’s. Sad to say, our grandpa Hilario Huerta Angeles lost his battle with COVID and passed away the night of January 31st in Northside Duluth Hospital. Our grandpa was a fighter, he was admitted to the hospital mid of January and was there for two weeks. Unfortunately his kidneys were very damaged, his lungs were fragile and could not breathe on his own.His heart had stopped and the doctors did everything they could to help him, he gained his heavenly wings.
His unanticipated passing has left our family heartbroken. The last thing we want is for his wife, our grandma to be burdened with expenses needed to lay our grandpa to rest in Mexico.
Please know that we are very thankful and humbled that we are reaching out to family and friends for assistance. Any funds raised will go towards his funeral expenses in Mexico.We thank you all for your kind words and support during this difficult time. Regardless of whether you can contribute to this fund please keep my grandpa Hilario in your thoughts and prayers, keep his memory alive. He was an extraordinary person and had a heart of gold. We want to grant his wish, he loved to give and share to those in need.
May he Rest In Peace.
Como muchas personas saben, nuestros abuelos vinieron de México a los Estados Unidos para visitar a nuestra familia durante los días festivos. Es triste decirlo, nuestro abuelo Hilario Huerta Ángeles perdió su batalla con COVID y falleció la noche del 31 de enero en el hospital Northside Duluth de Atlanta. Nuestro abuelo era un luchador, ingresó en el hospital a mediados de enero y estuvo ahí por dos semanas. Desafortunadamente, sus riñones estaban muy dañados, sus pulmones estaban frágiles y no podía respirar solo. Su corazón se había detenido y los médicos hicieron todo lo posible para ayudarlo, ganó sus alas celestiales.
Su fallecimiento inesperado ha dejado a nuestra familia desconsolada. Lo último que queremos es que su esposa, nuestra abuela, cargue con los gastos necesarios para que nuestro abuelo descanse en México.Por favor, sepa que estamos muy agradecidos, los fondos recaudados se destinarán a los gastos de su funeral en México. Les agradecemos a todos por sus amables palabras y apoyo durante este momento difícil.Mantenga a mi abuelo Hilario en sus pensamientos y oraciones, mantenga viva su memoria. Era una persona extraordinaria y tenía un corazón de oro.Queremos cumplirle un deseo. Era muy generoso en dar, compartir, dar en los que necesitan.
Que en paz descanse.
Hello everyone,
As many people may know our grandparents came from Mexico to the U.S. to visit our family for the holiday’s. Sad to say, our grandpa Hilario Huerta Angeles lost his battle with COVID and passed away the night of January 31st in Northside Duluth Hospital. Our grandpa was a fighter, he was admitted to the hospital mid of January and was there for two weeks. Unfortunately his kidneys were very damaged, his lungs were fragile and could not breathe on his own.His heart had stopped and the doctors did everything they could to help him, he gained his heavenly wings.
His unanticipated passing has left our family heartbroken. The last thing we want is for his wife, our grandma to be burdened with expenses needed to lay our grandpa to rest in Mexico.
Please know that we are very thankful and humbled that we are reaching out to family and friends for assistance. Any funds raised will go towards his funeral expenses in Mexico.We thank you all for your kind words and support during this difficult time. Regardless of whether you can contribute to this fund please keep my grandpa Hilario in your thoughts and prayers, keep his memory alive. He was an extraordinary person and had a heart of gold. We want to grant his wish, he loved to give and share to those in need.
May he Rest In Peace.
Daisy Huerta-tepetate
Kennesaw, GA