Help "at risk" youth become "at promise" assets
Tax deductible
The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Criminal Mental Health Project (CMHP), a court-based jail diversion program in Florida, was established to divert individuals that come into contact with the justice system. The data reports that many at-risk youth suffer from emotional distress or have un-treated/under-treated mental health illnesses and need crisis relief or supportive services help. Mentors of Fatherless Children & Homeless Families (MFCAF) has partnered with the Department of Juvenile Justice, Orange County Regional Juvenile Detention Center (i.e., serving Orange, Osceola, Seminole), and received a $7,000 grant to help turn "at-risk" youth into "at promise" assets. Our joint efforts are to divert their arrest and/or incarceration. Leo & Samara Robinson, co-founders of MFCAF, provide mentoring and immediate supportive service interventions/referrals that help at-risk youth, family abuse and homelessness. Services provided include individual or group counseling, group therapy, after school programming, tutoring, workforce preparation, arts instruction in music & filmmaking, as well as recreational activities.

Samara Jules-Robinson
Orlando, FL
Mentors For Fatherless Children And Abused Families