Families for a Livable Climate
Last January, feeling overwhelmed by the climate crisis and the increasingly urgent warnings from scientists, I decided to take action by getting involved in the climate movement. In February 2019, I started a community group called Families for a Livable Climate.
Families for a Livable Climate empowers Montana families to advocate for their future in the age of climate change. We do this work by offering free community climate conversations, hosting Fridays for Action working groups across Montana, sponsoring community events (such as DearTomorrow Missoula), and working on Montana voter education. In 2020, we will also organize the Montana Community Climate Summit for families across that state as a way to connect communities and build our intergenerational network.
We are a volunteer-run community group. We are in the process of becoming a nonprofit entity. But, this will take time, thus our GoFundMe effort!
We are fundraising for the following projects:
These free events include the basic science of climate change, Montana impacts, and storytelling, with the goal of engaging participants more deeply with the issue and inspiring them to make a sustained commitment to the climate movement--whatever that looks like for them. We travel across the state. We stay with families when possible, but we could reach more communities if we could cover basic travel expenses and food for our volunteers. We hope to host at least 24-30 climate conversations across Montana in 2020. Estimated Cost: $4800
Throughout the year, we host free community events to engage more families in the climate movement, such as DearTomorrow. The funding for these events will go toward paying for supplies, printing costs, online advertising, and refreshments for the events. In 2020, we will offer approximately 10 community events. Estimated Cost: $1750
Fridays for Action working groups are a space for families ready to make a consistent time for working on the climate crisis. We have groups working in several communities across the state. We hope to build 10 more groups in early winter and spring of 2020. Funding will go toward outreach costs such as travel expenses, printing, and costs associated with coordinating actions between groups. Estimated Cost: $2,000
The Montana Renewable Energy Association calls our Public Service Commission (PSC) the "unknown energy battleground". Few Montanans know about the PSC or understand its importance. The PSC is an elected body with immense power over our energy future. Its five commissioners are charged with regulating our monopoly energy company, NorthWestern Energy, and ensuring "just and affordable" energy. We want to ensure that all Montana families understand who the PSC is, and why it matters to their everyday budget as well as their future. We plan to produce a voter education piece to do just that--and we will distribute it statewide. Funds will pay for the design of the piece, printing and distribution. Estimated Cost: $2000
Many Montanans are looking for ways to connect on climate. We will offer a forum for families to connect and build community by engaging with impacts of climate change on Montana, sharing climate stories from across the state, and planning statewide actions for the coming year. We hope to offer a free or low-cost event, using these funds to ensure that families of all kinds across the state can attend. Estimated Cost: $4450
We are a volunteer-run community group, and we appreciate your support!