Family asks for support any & all is appreciated
Hi All,
We have created this go fund me for a Dad that has been targeted by a gang for protecting not only his family but his property. This lead to him being arrested and charged.
This father would gather friends to paint over tagging in his neighborhood
Where his children play and family gathers for good times. He is a man that stood up to ugliness in his neighborhood. In return he got his home not only vandalized by a gang but also the police.
Background: Joey Archuleta is a man, father, husband, son, brother, friend; he is an artist spreading love through his music. He is an advocate for Medical Cannabis for those who truly need this life saving plant. He does community works with multiple associations in the hope to normalize natural medicine practices.
Joey has no Priors and has been an amazing advocate for natural resources and medicines.
What came of this:
-Gang vandalism on his home
-A police raid the same day (Gang unit)
Due to various tagging in the neighborhood and the tagging on Joeys door, they believe Mr. Archuleta has affiliations with gang members. (When in fact he stood up to vandals in his neighborhood by painting over their tagging)
This lead Mr. Archuleta to send his wife and children to another family members home, as he was scared for their safety.
Joey was arrested for being in possession of Cannabis.
These officers were more concerned about Mr. Archuleta having cannabis on him than they were about the vandalism and blatant threat to him and his family’s safety.
Due to this Joey and his family ( wife & 4 children ) have been evicted and now have nowhere to go. As a man Joey will do what he needs to keep his family a float but will need some support.
He asks for the help of any and all who are willing to donate anything they can.
If you cannot make a donation please SHARE this! As that would be just as great, we not only need the help for lawyer fees
We need acknowledgment, acknowledge the fact that possessing a small amount of cannabis to these specific officers took Presidents over the fact that there is members in his neighborhood that are doing more wrong than simply possessing cannabis.
-Targeting a man who is wanting to keep his neighborhood peaceful and his family safe.
-Vandalizing his property to scare his family
Joey has no qualms with Officers of the law as he supports the ones that do good and will not turn a blind eye to those who do bad.
He will stand up every time for the rights of all.
What he needs now is for you to do the same.
Thank you all for what you can do!