Family house fire, Zagreb Croatia
Donation protected
*Scroll down for Croatian & German translations and more pictures*
Dear friends, my name is Ružica Pekić. I grew up in the eastern part of Croatia, near Virovitica, and I currently live in Frankfurt. I have created this campaign so that we can help a family from Zagreb that has been struggling with illness and existential problems for years and on Saturday, 14.5.2022, even lost their house in a fire.
Last night I received the news that a family of three from Zagreb lost their house in a fire and do not know how to get back on their feet after this tragedy.
"We survived, but this has hit us now".
The fire broke out on May 14, 2022, at the family home of Mladen Legac, 64, in Zagreb, Croatia.
Even before the fire, Mladen's small family lived very modestly and hard, and every day was a new struggle for his son Vedran (32), who worked several jobs to support his father and sick brother and provide them with basic necessities. Since his son Marko (37) was diagnosed with Down syndrome and no one wants to hire his father because of his age (64), they have been living for years on an 830.00KN (ca.€100) allowance, 1,700.00KN (ca.€230) disability pension, and the small earnings of son Vedran.
But now they have lost everything, even the walls of a modest house can no longer hide the sadness and helplessness of these people because this family is now on the street.
When I heard it, I immediately contacted the Legac family to check what happened. Listening to their story, my heart broke. Those who know me know that I am very determined and not afraid to tackle problems, but this time, despite my great will, I realized that there was nothing I could do.
I didn't even manage to finish the thought and already my entire phone book, Facebook/Instagram friends list and Linkedin list of connections were going through my head and I felt great joy and hope. I may not be able to help alone, but together we can. I know so many people who have a caring heart, who probably know other people like this.... and that's it! After a few phone calls and "Rose, of course, we'll support and forward, just send the payment link" I decided to start this campaign and help this family together with all of you.
Encouraged by all the impressions, I called Father Mladen this morning and told him that we are with him today and in a few days- the whole of Croatia will be. Knowing our Croatian people very well, the heroism and love for other people, this campaign will probably go beyond the borders of our country.
After the campaign ends, the money will be transferred from GoGetFunding to the Legac family account.
For now, you can follow my posts and status updates about the campaign through my Facebook account, and for any other questions, you can always contact me at +491715367536.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every donation and for every " share ".
"Whatever you do to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you do to me!" (Mt 25:45)
Dragi prijatelji, moje ime je Ružica Pekić, odrasla sam u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske, mjesto pored Virovitice, a trenutno živim u Frankfurtu.
Dear friends, my name is Ružica Pekić. I grew up in the eastern part of Croatia, near Virovitica, and I currently live in Frankfurt. I have created this campaign so that we can help a family from Zagreb that has been struggling with illness and existential problems for years and on Saturday, 14.5.2022, even lost their house in a fire.
Last night I received the news that a family of three from Zagreb lost their house in a fire and do not know how to get back on their feet after this tragedy.
"We survived, but this has hit us now".
The fire broke out on May 14, 2022, at the family home of Mladen Legac, 64, in Zagreb, Croatia.
Even before the fire, Mladen's small family lived very modestly and hard, and every day was a new struggle for his son Vedran (32), who worked several jobs to support his father and sick brother and provide them with basic necessities. Since his son Marko (37) was diagnosed with Down syndrome and no one wants to hire his father because of his age (64), they have been living for years on an 830.00KN (ca.€100) allowance, 1,700.00KN (ca.€230) disability pension, and the small earnings of son Vedran.
But now they have lost everything, even the walls of a modest house can no longer hide the sadness and helplessness of these people because this family is now on the street.
When I heard it, I immediately contacted the Legac family to check what happened. Listening to their story, my heart broke. Those who know me know that I am very determined and not afraid to tackle problems, but this time, despite my great will, I realized that there was nothing I could do.
I didn't even manage to finish the thought and already my entire phone book, Facebook/Instagram friends list and Linkedin list of connections were going through my head and I felt great joy and hope. I may not be able to help alone, but together we can. I know so many people who have a caring heart, who probably know other people like this.... and that's it! After a few phone calls and "Rose, of course, we'll support and forward, just send the payment link" I decided to start this campaign and help this family together with all of you.
Encouraged by all the impressions, I called Father Mladen this morning and told him that we are with him today and in a few days- the whole of Croatia will be. Knowing our Croatian people very well, the heroism and love for other people, this campaign will probably go beyond the borders of our country.
After the campaign ends, the money will be transferred from GoGetFunding to the Legac family account.
For now, you can follow my posts and status updates about the campaign through my Facebook account, and for any other questions, you can always contact me at +491715367536.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every donation and for every " share ".
"Whatever you do to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you do to me!" (Mt 25:45)
Dragi prijatelji, moje ime je Ružica Pekić, odrasla sam u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske, mjesto pored Virovitice, a trenutno živim u Frankfurtu.
Sinoć je do mene došla vijest da je tročlana obitelj iz Zagreba izgubila krov nad glavom u požaru i da ne znaju kako se uopće nakon ove tragedije podići ponovo na noge.
“Preživljavali smo, no ovo sad nas je dotuklo.”
Požar se dogodio kod obitelji Mladena Legac (64) u Zagrebu 14.5.2022., Hrvatska.
Mladenova mala obitelj je i prije samog požara živjela vrlo skromno i teško, a svaki dan bio je nova bitka za sina Vedrana (32) koji je radio i po nekoliko poslova samo da bi prehranio svoga oca i bolesnog brata i pružio im najosnovnije za život. Budući da sin Marko (37) ima dijagnozu Down sindroma, a oca (64) nitko ne želi zaposliti zbog njegovih godina, oni već dugi niz godina žive od 830,00 kn doplatka, 1.700,00 kn invalidnine te male zarade sina Vedrana (32).
No sada su izgubili sve, čak ni zidovi skromne kuće ne mogu više sakriti tugu i nemoć ovih ljudi, jer ta obitelj je sada na ulici.
Čuvši njihovu priču odmah sam stupila u kontakt sa obitelji Legac i mogu vam reći da mi je srce umalo puknulo od tuge. Oni koji me znaju, znaju da sam vrlo uporna i da se ne plašim uhvatiti u koštac sa problemima, ali ovog puta, čak ni sa svojom ogromnom voljom shvatila sam da ne mogu učiniti ništa.
Nisam uspjela ni dovršiti misao do kraja, a već mi je moj cijeli telefonski imenik, lista Facebook/Instagram prijetelja, Linkedin poveznica prošla glavom i osjetila sam ogromnu sreću i nadu. Možda ne mogu pomoći sama, ali skupa možemo. Pa ja znam toliko ljudi koji imaju tako dobra srca, koji vjerojatno isto tako znaju druge takve ljude…i to je to! Nakon par telefonskih poziva i „Ružo, naravno da cemo podržati i proslijediti dalje, samo salji link za uplatu“ odlucila sam pokrenuti ovu kampanju i skupa sa svima vama pomoći vratiti krov nad glavom Mladenu i njegovim sinovima.
Potaknuta svim dojmovima, nazvala sam jutros oca Mladena i rekla mu da smo danas uz njega mi, a za koji dan i cijela Hrvatska. Poznavajući naš hrvatski narod i srca junačka, vjerojatno će ova kampanja otići i izvan granica Lijepe naše.
Novac će nakon završetka kampanje biti transferiran sa GoGetFundinga na račun obitelji Legac.
Za početak, moje objave i statuse oko kampanje možete pratiti putem mog Facebooka računa, a za sva ostala pitanja možete me uvijek kontaktirati na +491715367536
Svima zahvaljujem od srca za svaku donaciju i za svaki „proslijedi“.
"Što god učiniste jednom od ove moje najmanje braće, meni učiniste!" (Mt 25, 45)
Liebe Freunde, mein Name ist Ružica Pekić. Ich bin im östlichen Teil Kroatiens, in der Nähe von Virovitica, aufgewachsen und lebe derzeit in Frankfurt. Ich habe diese Kampagne ins Leben gerufen, damit wir einer Familie aus Zagreb helfen können, die seit Jahren mit Krankheiten und existenziellen Problemen zu kämpfen hat und am Samstag, den 14.5.2022, sogar ihr Haus durch einen Brand verloren hat.
Gestern Abend erhielt ich die Nachricht, dass eine dreiköpfige Familie aus Zagreb ihr Haus durch einen Brand verloren hat und nicht weiß, wie sie nach dieser Tragödie wieder auf die Beine kommen soll.
"Wir haben überlebt, aber das hat uns jetzt getroffen".
Das Feuer brach am 14. Mai 2022 im Haus der Familie von Mladen Legac (64) in Zagreb, Kroatien, aus.
Schon vor dem Brand lebte Mladens kleine Familie sehr bescheiden und hart, und jeder Tag war ein neuer Kampf für seinen Sohn Vedran (32), der mehrere Jobs hatte, um seinen Vater und seinen kranken Bruder zu unterstützen und sie mit dem Nötigsten zu versorgen. Da bei seinem Sohn Marko (37) das Down-Syndrom diagnostiziert wurde und niemand seinen Vater aufgrund seines Alters (64) einstellen wollte, lebten sie jahrelang von einer Beihilfe in Höhe von 830,00 KN (ca. 100 €), einer Invalidenrente in Höhe von 1.700,00 KN (ca. 230 €) und dem geringen Verdienst von Sohn Vedran.
Doch nun haben sie alles verloren, und selbst die Wände eines bescheidenen Hauses können die Traurigkeit und Hilflosigkeit dieser Menschen nicht mehr verbergen, denn diese Familie steht nun auf der Straße.
Als ich davon hörte, setzte ich mich sofort mit der Familie Legac in Verbindung, um zu erfahren, was passiert war. Als ich ihre Geschichte hörte, brach mir das Herz. Diejenigen, die mich kennen, wissen, dass ich sehr entschlossen bin und mich nicht scheue, Probleme anzugehen, aber dieses Mal musste ich trotz meines großen Willens feststellen, dass ich nichts tun konnte.
Ich schaffte es nicht einmal, den Gedanken zu Ende zu denken, und schon gingen mir mein gesamtes Telefonbuch, die Facebook/Instagram-Freundesliste und die Linkedin-Liste der Verbindungen durch den Kopf, und ich spürte große Freude und Hoffnung. Ich kann vielleicht nicht alleine helfen, aber gemeinsam können wir es. Ich kenne so viele Menschen, die ein liebevolles Herz haben, die wahrscheinlich andere Menschen wie diese kennen.... und das war's! Nach ein paar Anrufen und "Rose, natürlich unterstützen wir und leiten weiter, schick einfach den Zahlungslink" habe ich mich entschlossen, diese Kampagne zu starten und dieser Familie gemeinsam mit euch allen zu helfen.
Ermutigt durch all die Eindrücke rief ich heute Morgen Vater Mladen an und teilte ihm mit, dass wir heute mit ihm zusammen sind und in ein paar Tagen wird es ganz Kroatien sein. Da ich unser kroatisches Volk sehr gut kenne, seinen Heldenmut und seine Liebe zu anderen Menschen, wird diese Kampagne wahrscheinlich über die Grenzen unseres Landes hinausgehen.
Nach Beendigung der Kampagne wird das Geld von GoGetFunding auf das Konto der Familie Legac überwiesen.
Bis dahin könnt ihr meine Posts und Status-Updates über die Kampagne auf meinem Facebook-Konto verfolgen, und bei weiteren Fragen könnt ihr mich jederzeit unter +491715367536 kontaktieren.
Ich danke Ihnen von ganzem Herzen für jede Spende und für jedes "Teilen".
"Was ihr für einen meiner geringsten Brüder tut, das tut ihr mir!" (Mt 25,45)
Ruzica Pekic
Frankfurt, Hessen