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Help Boyd Family Recover from COVID Devastation

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Hello Family, Friends, and Community Members,

I am reaching out with a heavy heart as my family and I are facing an enormous financial burden due to the ongoing medical expenses resulting from my journey with long COVID. It is never easy to ask for help but now I humbly admit that we need your support now more than ever.

Over the last 2 years, my family and I have endured severe hardship due to COVID-19. Three weeks after my family contracted the virus, my symptoms dramatically worsened and lead to the development of multiple disabling illnesses: Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-COV-2 Infection, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), PTSD, ME/CFS (Fibromyalgia) and a brain injury.

During the first year of my illness, I was isolated in my home, unable to get out of bed, drive, cook, walk or think clearly. Neurologically, I experienced severe impairment that hindered my ability to communicate, read, and use technology; and prevented me from accessing many of the COVID-19 benefits and supports. Furthermore, I was let go from my career job because I was physically unable to work and had run out of FMLA leave.

As a family, this has been a lot to adapt to and we have had to work diligently to try to adjust to this new normal. The financial impact of all of this has crushed us, however, with me being out of work for 1.5 years and the increased medical expenses. We have actively sought Social Security Disability help, but because of an overwhelming increase in long COVID cases, it has been over 2 years and still, there is no help or resolution.

I have recently returned to work part-time, but I am now disabled and this is not enough to make an impact on the mounting medical debt. The financial strain is becoming overwhelming, and we cannot shoulder the burden alone. This is where your support and generosity come in!

Your compassionate contribution will make an immediate impact on our lives, it will give us some hope and relief that we desperately need as well as give me the ability to seek the much-needed treatments so that I can recover and be there for my family and others like me who cannot advocate for themselves.

Thank you to the many folks who have supported us thus far, we love you and appreciate you! And thank you to everyone else for taking the time to read this and think of us, pray for us and/or donate to support our family. Please know that we take your donations will give us hope and immense relief as I navigate this difficult road to recovery. I will use this funding to achieve health and stability and plan to pay it forward by helping others in similar situations.


Shelby Boyd; The Boyd Family



  • Kirsten Chapman
    • 150 $
    • 1 Jahr
  • Jordan Sanchez
    • 50 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 30 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Bart Millar
    • 50 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Celeste Davis
    • 50 $
    • 2 Jahre


Shelby Boyd
Lake Oswego, OR

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