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Hi my name is riki ... My 10 year old daughter serenity is currently living with her father in another state . recently i recieved a phone call from tylers girlfriend as her and serenity were hidding from tyler in someone elses house because he was in a complete drug rage and she was asking me for help to save my daughger. (I recorded the entire 28 minute phone call) later that night i got a text from her with a voice recording of tyler screaming at serenity telling her "fuck you " repeatedly....i called the sheriffs to do a welfare check on serenity and all they told her was in north carolina parents are "allowed to discipline there children as long as there are no marks" so i called cps and reported everything and they opened the case.when cps showed up they discovered serenity had not been enrolled in school and school started 2 months prior. I took all my evidence and everything i had to the court to do an ex parte for full custody... After tyler was a failure to appear TWO times the judge granted me full legal and physicall custody of serenity ....that night i was on a plain to go get her from north carolina..when i got out there he refused to give her to me . so i called the sheriffs to help me. NCPD said in order for them to help me i have to see a north carolina judge verifying my califorina paperwork and get there permission to remove her along with a warrent .... So that monday i went to court in north carolina and was denied . i came home to do another ex parte and the day before the court hearing i was notified tyler got an atturney.. At court hearing the judge ONLY gave the lawyer time to talk and AGREED with the lawyer to let my daughter stay with her dad ...once the lawyer entered the judge did not give me one chance to speak . only talked to her ...CHILD ABUSE IS NOT OKAY ... FOR ANy CHILD! PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY! im making this gofund me so i can pay for a lawyer to fight to get my daughter out of harms way and somewhere safe! Any help is greatly appreciated! So it was brought to my attintion gofund me does take out a percent if you would like to do it by check ,cash, or anyother way please contact me on my cell phone at 7604729035 thank you again ! u
Riki Corley
Valley Center, CA