Family of 7 single mom struggling after divorce
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My car has now broken down several times, I have no gas to take my kids to school or go grocery shopping, I have an overdraft from insurance, my lawyer fees are haunting me, I can’t pay my utilities, we have nothing to wipe with, we just moved into this apartment last month and I’m worried we might lose this place.
Short story
married my dream guy. I thought I got a family man. I got a gamer. My happiness faded so quickly in that marriage, 2 kids later and 7 years into my 9 year sentence I started asking for a divorce. Every time I did tho he swore he would change. He never did. So I finished my sentence and I left. I had our children most of the time. He liked to drink and forget about his life. I knew the best thing for my children and I would be to leave my town where I knew nothing but alcoholics and addicts and take them far away back to Utah where we’ve lived once before. It’s not wrong to want better for your children. The father didn’t like that I wanted a safe place for them so he took me to court and portrayed himself in the best possible light. Father of the year over here. Loves those damn kids. While married I had created two channels on YT (the candoos) & (eating with the candoos) I created, I edited, I brought the ideas, did the emails, I worked extremely hard on those channels for years but yes he appeared in a lot of the videos, I also was in them. And so were our two children. From 2015-2019 we did this as a family and we had an income that helped us tremendously. Not by any means wealthy but we were ok. We all benefited. The father never had an issue with my kids being on YouTube. That was until I divorced him and he ordered I take down all videos with the kids and himself. Or the channels completely. Also wanted me to sell channels. I had already found a home for me and my kids in Utah at that point but could not take the two kids we shared at that time so they were with their father in Cali. I had no choice but to take my channels down that had small but important income that kept us alive and sheltered in Utah. I really loved the home we were in it had so much room for my large family. (I have 6 children) but once I deleted the channels my income disappeared almost instantly. So now the new home we had just moved into that we were so happy to be in became a nightmare. I could not afford my rent anymore. My ex husband must have been thrilled. Once again I had to scramble and stress and worry about where we will end up, Where are we gonna go. I emailed I called I did paperwork everyday and I prayed non stop. got an email about a place owned by section 8, we were blessed to be able to get that. We lost over 50% of our stuff because I could not afford to move it and I was charged thousands for it. I was crushed but also happy that we wouldn’t be homeless. I still can’t believe my ex husband would have slept well at night even if we were. I was hoping that place would be good, I thought things would be ok for awhile. We can’t catch a break. That place looked fine, it wasn’t run down, but omg it was so infested with ants. I couldn’t believe how bad it was. No one would do anything about it. We also soon realized there was no AC in the unit. So when summer came around we were having physical issues because of the temperature inside the home. I had just had my 6th baby. Once it became impossible for us to sit and have a meal without finding ants on our plates and in our food, I quit I couldn’t do it anymore. It was too hot to function and none of us could eat in peace. After over a year in that place I started looking frantically all over again for a new home. Found this current apartment that took about 3k to move into and I am in debt. I am barely making money from home, not even enough to keep gas in my car for a whole week. Btw in the process of my divorce my ex husband promised me and my family he would help us financially and make sure we were ok. That is because he had gotten a very large inheritance at that time. He did not help me and my kids at all, instead he kicked us when we were down.
Katherine Cantu
Orem, UT