Family of David Schultz - Missing Iowa Trucker
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Hi, my name is Ramie, and I am creating this page to help my cousin, Sarah Bogue Schultz, and family.
On the evening of November 20, 2023 David left his family home in Wall Lake, Iowa, to go to work. He was scheduled to pick up a load of pigs in Eagle Grove, Iowa, and then deliver them to Sac City, Iowa. Unfortunately, David never made it to his destination site.
On the morning of November 21, 2023, his wife, Sarah, was informed that David never made the scheduled delivery. It was clarified that the pigs had been loaded from the original site in Eagle Grove, Iowa. In the afternoon of November 21, 2023, David's semi was located. The semi was found unlocked, parked in the middle of the road, and the trailer was loaded with pigs. It was identified that David's cell phone, wallet, and cash were in his truck. His coat was located in a nearby ditch.
An investigation was started and dogs as well as planes with thermal red imaging assisted in the search. Family, friends, and amazing community members came together to assist searching in the vicinity that the truck was located. At this time David Schultz remains missing.
David is a 53-year-old white male who is approximately 5'11" and 180 lbs. He has brown hair and eyes. He was last known to be wearing wrangler blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a Peterbilt hat.
Any information may be helpful to this investigation. Information may be shared with the Lake View Police Department.
David's wife, Sarah, and children will be financially impacted by this sudden disappearance. Sarah will experience the loss of financial support of her spouse and will also need to take time off work. It's important that Sarah be available to assist in the search as well as have the time necessary to take care of their children and her own emotional well-being. As a community, we can only imagine the fear, heartache, and nightmare that this must be for Sarah and the children.
If you find it in your heart to make a monetary donation, please donate here. All of the funds received will be directed to Sarah Bogue Schultz to use at her discretion to meet the needs of her family at this time.
Please consider sharing this fundraiser on your social media page as well. Not only do I hope to find ways to support Sarah and her children, but I also hope that notice of David's disappearance will go viral. Remember that any information, even if you feel it may insignificant, may assist in the investigation.
Thank you to each of you who have shown so much love and support to David, Sarah, and their family.
November 29, 2023
The search for Dave continues. The United Cajun Navy Group has brought in additional resources in an effort to coordinate the search. This group has been an amazing support and asset to this search. Jake Rowley has been coordinating the search efforts and actively providing updates about progress and next steps. We would also like to extend our sincere appreciation to the volunteers that have volunteered their time and personal resources of drones, horses, and all-terrain vehicles. Sarah has expressed such gratitude for the outpouring of love and support that she and her family have been given. The kindness and compassion shown during this difficult time has been remarkable.
I want to try to keep up with recognizing all of the businesses that are also donating resources. Monkey Express Aerial recorded over 33 miles and provided the recording of the flight for review. Riverside Bar, Sparkys One Stop, Food Pride and Stone Printing have generously provided food, coffee, fuel, and printing of maps and posters for distribution.
Media coverage has continued to grow the past eight days and the Department of Criminal Investigation is now leading the investigation and search effort. The United Cajun Navy has diligently remained present and committed to assisting with bringing David home.
An outpouring of people has asked how they can help. At this time monetary donations may be shared on this Go Fund Me Page, a direct Venno Account for Sarah Schultz (wife), and a Utility Assistance Account. Giftster Holiday Lists and a Meal Train has also been started for the family.
In times of hardship, I am reminded of the Mr. Roger's quote, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people that are helping." Wow! We have been able to witness the strength and unity of a small community!
Tonight, we ask that you continue to share this story, pray for David, his family, and the volunteers that remain committed to bringing David home.

December 1, 2023
The search for David Schultz continues. He has been missing for 11 days. Jake Rowley of United Cajun Navy, his team, and a group of volunteers have continued to search daily for David. Jake recently posted that the group has searched around 50,000 acres and there is still about 58,000 more acres that need to be searched to eliminate a specific area in Iowa around highways 20 and 71.
Word continues to spread by different media outlets and social media platforms. We are thankful for the continued outpouring of support from everyone. The Sac City Hotel has shared space with the volunteers to have a command post available and Sac City Food Pride has continued to provide volunteers with meals and snacks. Thank you to both of these businesses, Jake Rowley and United Cajun Navy, and the many community volunteers who show up every day to help in the search for David. Sarah and the family have been blessed and I want to also thank so many, even complete strangers, who have expressed kindness, hope, prayer, and financial support to the family.
For those that are following the story, and those that don't know David, here are a few additional pictures. A picture of his love story with Sarah and their twin sons.

December 4, 2023
This past weekend volunteers continued to search for David. Jake Rowley, United Cajun Navy, has shared that his team will continue to work with specialized teams and investigators to explore any new leads in this case. At this time, over one hundred thousand acres have been searched by a community of volunteers.
New tips are needed to continue this investigation. Jake Rowley has shared that he plans to coordinate a reward fund in effort to gain additional knowledge about David's disappearance. Anyone with interest in supporting this campaign directly can contact Jake Rowley of United Cajun Navy.
A search may begin again this week if additional leads are provided and in continued effort to support the work of law enforcement.
Thank you to Jake Rowley and United Cajun Navy for your compassion and commitment to bringing David home. The Sac City Motel has continued to provide accomodations for a command post for the search. Local business have shared sack lunches, snacks, and coffee to the volunteers. Monkey Express Aerial provided assistance to the search by drone again this past weekend. Thank you again to all of the volunteers that have continued to show up to personally assist in the search for David. The outpouring of love from this small Midwest Iowa community continues to shine bright in this time of darkness. The family wants every volunteer in the search, business organization, and individuals reaching out to express encouragement and support to know that you are being seen. We see you! We hear you! We are thankful for you!
Today I ask that you continue to pray for David, Sarah, their children, and extended families.
The mission is not complete. Bring David Home!

December 21, 2023
David has been missing for 31 days. As a community, we can only imagine the pain of waking up every day, hoping that David's disappearance is a nightmare, only to quickly realize that this nightmare is reality. David's wife, Sarah, has been forced to wake up to this reality every morning. David has missed Thanksgiving, their son's school program, church program, and the family tradition of placing their Christmas tree in front of their sliding glass doors. Sarah shared that the placement of this tree was important to David as he was able to see the tree lit up in their home when he passed by while working. It wasn't just the glow of the Christmas tree, but just behind these glass doors were the things that David treasured the most in his life, his family.
David and Sarah met a bit later in life. They quickly fell in love and began writing the next chapter in life. Sarah already had two children, Sabrina and Connor, prior to their marriage. David expressed a desire to have a biological child and together they endeavored in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). It was meant to be, and Sarah later gave birth to their twin sons, Isaack and Joseph.
Isaack and Joseph are 10 years old. Until recently, it would be fair to say that they were living their best childhood years in rural Iowa. They have had the freedom to explore in this otherwise safe community, to be curious, to rescue random stray animals, ride their bicycles with friends, enjoy the community pool, and collect the best of all rocks for their collection. This is the life that we picture for children in small town Iowa. Like many young boys raised in Iowa they developed a love for trucks, machinery, and farms. They loved riding with David in his semi when their schedules allowed. The opportunity to ride along with dad provided an opportunity to bond, to gain a sense of work ethic, and to meet people along the way. They have proudly worn their boots and Peterbilt hats through the years. There isn't any way to predict how this trauma of their father missing will affect their future. Christmas is right around the corner, and we have two children who want nothing more than to see their father walk through the door.
Sarah has continued to provide interviews to bring attention to David's disappearance. The Sac County Sheriff's Office has issued a public press release of some of their findings from the investigation. Social media continues to share this story around the nation.
I ask that each of you please continue to support David, Sarah, and their family by sharing this story. It's critical to bringing David home that we maintain momentum in creating public awareness. Just today a reward fund has been announced in an effort to encourage someone to come forward with additional information.
It's important that we continue to highlight the good in difficult times. Thank you to everyone for the outpouring of love, prayer, private messages, personalized gifts, and compassion.

January 18, 2024
David has been missing for 58 days. The family continues to seek answers and is desperate to bring David home. We continue our efforts to maintain awareness about his mysterious disappearance by trying to utilize all available resources.
Sarah and the boys continue to be shown love by their community. People have continued to offer support, share in prayer, and simply be present as the family tries to carry on without David. The label of “Iowa Nice” continues to live up to the hype! David and Sarah were both raised in the Sac County Iowa. Residents of Sac County, from one corner to the other, continue to support the Schultz family.
As we step back, we can acknowledge the trauma that this family has experienced. The case remains unsolved and the family needs answers. The family and community remain persistent and determined to find out what happened to David. We will not rest until we have answers.
Sarah has shared that she continues to receive personalized gifts from people from all over the United States. She has shared about a handmade quilt, personalized ornaments, personalized necklaces for her and the boys, as well as clothing and decor that memorialize David. Thank you to each of you who have shared your talents with the Schultz family.
I want to recognize a couple of additional supports that have helped with driving awareness of David’s disappearance. Danelle at Passport PR is a family friend and I reached out to her recently to ask some questions about different media sources that I could try to utilize. Danelle offered to share some of her resources and provided a direct connection to different media sources. One of the connections that Danelle shared is with Lamar Advertising Company in Omaha, Nebraska. After learning about this story Lamar donated two weeks of space on a digital billboard located on 72nd Street and Interstate 80 in Omaha. Danelle quickly designed the billboard that receives an average of 210,616 impressions weekly. Thank you to Passport PR and Lamar Advertising for your support.
I am including a picture of David's father, Elmer, David, Joseph and Isaack. The boys enjoyed following David's footsteps.
The song, Watching You, by Rodney Atkins comes to mind as I write this update. Here are the lyrics.
Driving through town just my boy and me
With a happy meal in his booster seat
Knowing that he couldn't have the toy
'Till his nuggets were gone
Green traffic light turned straight to red
I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath
His fries went a flying and his orange drink covered his lap
Well then my four year old said a four letter word
That started with "s" and I was concerned
So I said son now now where did you learn to talk like that
He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We got cowboy boots and camo pants
Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I've been watching you
We got back home and I went to the barn
I bowed my head and I prayed real hard
Said lord please help me help my stupid self
Then this side of bedtime later that night
Turning on my son's scooby doo nightlight
He crawled out of bed and he got down on his knees
He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands
And spoke to God like he was talking to a friend
And I said son now where'd you learn to pray like that
He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We like fixing things and holding mama's hand
Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I've been watching you
With tears in my eyes I wrapped him in a hug
Said my little bear is growing up
And he said but when I'm big I'll still know what to do
Cause I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
By then I'll be as strong as superman
We'll be just alike, hey won't we dad
When I can do everything you do
Cause I've been watching you

April 24, 2024
As the news begins to circulate, I want to provide an update for everyone that has been following David's story. It has been confirmed that David was located today, deceased, in a field in Sac County, Iowa, not far from where his truck was located at the time of his disappearance. An investigation was initiated, and David has currently been transported to the Iowa Medical Examiner's Office.
Attached below is a link to one of the local news stories reporting this information.
Please continue to pray for Sarah, their children, parents, Tammi, Steve, and extended family as they continue to grieve the loss of David. May David forever Rest in Peace as many broken hearts are left behind.
Thank you again to every one of you that have taken the time to repost articles in effort to spread awareness about David's disappearance. The family continues to be lifted in prayer, receive words of encouragement, expressions of sympathy, and be blessed by many random acts of kindness.
Family, friends, a small community, and strangers from near and far have continued to be a shining light in this darkness. Please continue to shine this light as the family navigates the next step of this journey.
"Where there is darkness, let there be light." Francis of Assisi
May 5, 2024
Services have been set for David and will be held on Friday, May 10th. Funds from this account may also be utilized to pay for funeral expenses and a memorial for David. For anyone interested, the service will be live streamed for viewing.
In addition, the Convoy for Truth, will be occurring. This event is being sponsored by the Driver Advocacy Network (D.A.N) of Iowa. Participation in the event is limited to big trucks only!
The Convoy will run a continuous loop on NW IOWA HWY 20 from: Exit 71 Early, IA ( US-71/HWY 20) to Exit 96 Rockwell City, IA (HWY 4/HWY 20)
Organizer and beneficiary

Ramie Uren
Wall Lake, IA
Sarah Schultz