Family Support as Mike fights Cancer
The summer of 2019 was life changing for the Boehm family: at the age of 44, with no family history or known exposures to cause it, Mike was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Because he was young and otherwise healthy, he opted for surgery to remove the tumor, a lymph node, and one kidney. The surgery went well and his 3-month post-op scans were clear! Unfortunately, in February 2020, his 6-month scans showed the cancer had returned. This time, he began a very costly immunotherapy treatment, which resulted in some difficult side effects, and unfortunately yielded no success. In fact, his body responded with increased growth of the tumors instead.
In June, on the day before his wife's birthday, Mike was unexpectedly laid off from his wonderful job of 8 years in a CV-related round of layoffs. This brought new challenges to the family as they added figuring out health insurance, food, bills, and other household expenses.
Shortly thereafter, one of the tumors infiltrated Mike’s small intestines, causing internal bleeding and making it almost impossible for him to keep food down. In August, he went through another surgery to reroute part of his GI tract and bypass the section blocked by the tumor. The hope was that this would allow him to eat and regain weight and strength, so he could tolerate an anti-cancer drug which is known to negatively affect the GI system. Recovery from that surgery has been slower than expected, and he still struggles with nausea, vomiting, weight loss, low blood counts and exhaustion. Despite that, in September, Mike started an anti-cancer drug to try to stop the cancer growth, and maybe even shrink the tumors.
Mike is very weak from his treatments, and Colleen has been vital in caring for him at home. In addition to caring for Mike, she continues to homeschool their two children, including one who has special needs, manages the household, and also tries to find opportunities to bring in some income. Their finances have been stretched thin as they balance paying bills on less than one income.
They have a current outstanding hospital bill for $7500 for services through April, with more bills expected. Currently they are on Cobra insurance, but as of January 1, they will have to find a new solution. With the current caregiving needs at home, Colleen is unable to work full-time (she's been at home with the kids for 15 years). They have begun the process of applying for disability, but could take up to 5 months to go into effect after approval. (Many prayers appreciated over all those details!) The money raised will go towards that outstanding medical bill and to pay the Cobra premiums.
Throughout this difficult journey, the Boehms have remained steadfast in their faith. They are trusting God's plan, as they continuously seek Him for wisdom, guidance, and strength. They cling to the hope we have in Christ, and ask that you support them in prayer. Though they don’t know when or how this chapter in their story will end, they have faith that God will meet all their needs along the way! Any financial donation you contribute would be a cherished blessing to this family.
You can stay updated on Mike's journey through the regular updates on his Caring Bridge Site: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mikeboehm
Thank you for reading, for praying, and for making a difference in their story!
These are two bible verses that have been particularly important to the Boehms through this journey:
”Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:5-6
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11