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Family Support Following Devastating Accident

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आदरणीय अमेरिकावासी नेपालीहरुमा सादर अनुरोध
नेपालमा रुकुम जिल्ला घर भएका दीपेन्द्र खत्री गत एप्रिल २३ का दिन अरेन्ज टेक्ससमा सवारी दुर्घटनामा परेर गम्भिर घाइते भएका थिए। साँझतिर उनले चालाएको साइकिललाई पिकअप ट्रकले ठक्कर दिएको थियो। हाल उनको वमण्टस्थित CHRISTUS Southeast Texas - St. Elizabeth अस्पतालको सघन उपचार कक्षमा उपचार जारी छ। टाउको र शरीरको गम्भिर चोटका बाबजुद उनी बाँच्न सफल भएकाछन्।
अमेरिकी सपनाले डोहऱ्याएर दलाल मार्फत लाखौं खर्चेर एकवर्ष अघि अमेरिका आइपुगेका खत्री क्यालिफोर्नियाबाट आफन्त भेट्न टेक्सस आएका बेला दुर्घटनामा परेका थिए। नेपालमा बृ्द्ध आमा-बुवा, श्रीमती र दुई छोराको भरण-पोषणको जिम्मेवारी समेत भएका खत्री करिब दुई महिनादेखि जीवन मरणको दोसाँधमा अस्पतालको बेडमा परेका छन्। कागजपत्र बिहीन खत्रीलाई उपचारसंग सम्बन्धी केही खर्च र तत्काल पारिवारिक सहयोगका लागि समेत नेपाली समुदायको भरथेगको आवश्यकता भएको छ।
प्रवासमा आवश्यक कागजात नभएको व्यक्ति दुर्घटनामा परे पछि उसले भोग्ने शारीरिक र मानसिक पीडाको लेखाजोखा नै नहुने रहेछ। वमण्टको नेपाली समुदायका सदस्यका हैसियतले हाल म विष्णु कार्की आफैंले उपचाररत दीपेन्द्र खत्रीको परिवार र अस्पतालसंग आवश्यक समन्वय गरिरहेको छु।
हस्पिटलमा नै रहेका खत्रीको सहयोगार्थ उनी र उनका परिवारको आग्रहमा यो गोफण्ड एकाउण्ट संचालनमा ल्याइएको हो। हाम्रै नेपाली भाइको जीवन बचाउने अभियानमा सहयोगी हुन आदरणीय नेपाली समुदायमा हार्दिक अपील गर्दछु। खत्रीका बारेमा कुनै जानकारी आवश्यक भएमा मलाई सिधा सम्पर्क गर्नु हुन हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछु।


विष्णु कार्की
वमण्ट, टेक्सस

An appeal to the respected Nepali community,
With the permission of Dipendra Khatri, and his family members, I, Bishnu Karki, from Beaumont, Texas would like to appeal for your generous support to save the life of Dipendra Khatri, who was seriously injured in an accident in Orange, Texas on April 23. His bicycle was hit by a pick-up truck when he was returning from a grocery store. His treatment is undergoing in the CHRISTUS Southeast Texas-St. Elizabeth Hospital since his accident. Despite severe head and body injuries, he managed to survive.
Khatri, originally from the rural village of Rukum district, Nepal came to the United States a year ago after spending millions through brokers guided by the American dream, had an accident when he came to Texas from California to visit his relatives. Khatri, who is also responsible to feed his elderly parents, wife, and two sons in Nepal, has been in a hospital bed struggling for his life for almost two months. Undocumented Khatri needs the Nepali community's help with medical expenses and immediate family support.
We can imagine how a person without the necessary documents for regular living in the US is suffering from physical and mental pain after an accident. As a member of the Nepali community of Beaumont, Texas, I, (Bishnu Karki) am currently coordinating with the family and hospital on behalf of Dipendra Khatri.
This GoFundMe account has been created at the request of Khatri and his family to cover his medical expenses and the immediate needs of his family. I sincerely appeal to the respected Nepali community to help in this fundraising campaign to save the life of our own Nepali brother from a remote village in Nepal.
If you have any concerns about Dipendra and his undergoing treatment, please feel free to contact me.

Thank You!
Yours Sincerely,

Bishnu Karki
Beaumont, Texas



  • Rabindra Shah
    • $45
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • Dhan bahadur Kusari
    • $51
    • 2 yrs
  • Dev Oli
    • $52
    • 2 yrs
  • Laxman Bhandari
    • $101
    • 2 yrs


Bishnu Karki
Beaumont, TX

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