Donation protected
My name is bubacarr jammeh and my family is truly in need of your help. The funds raised from here will be used to provide basic needs to the children that we serve.
There are many expenditures that we are constantly in need related to our location in Gambia such as food, clothing, electrical services, education, security, and medical services. Our end goal is to construct permanent place that we can call a home for the children. Currently, we are renting a small space and struggle to keep a roof over our heads.
Together, we can bring change to the lives of these children. If Allah moves your heart, please help to support the children. No amount is too small. $5 will help. Whatever amount you can, please send, knowing that you're giving to the least of these and there is a special blessing to those that give to the orphan and needy.
Remember, your change changes lives! We Thank you so much for your support in advance! We pray that The Most High triples your donation and overfills your cup full of love, joy, and blessings, Ameen!
Ishraf Molla