Farrah's Trek in China - May 2018
Donation protected
By now you know my story..
(... if not, you can read it here: www.tinyurl.com/cybichina )
The past year has been insane... so much has happened.. both amazing and crazy, excellent and disappointing.
In short I completed the bulk of my cancer treatment, left a toxic relationship, moved suburbs, had 3 procedures and 8 hospitalisations, went to Japan in July, visited Melbourne in September, dealt with a break-in, raised two babies and built a new home and made a new life.
I was doing well at getting my health and fitness back on track, but a development with my potassium levels at continually critical lows has reversed all the good work i put in doing Yoga and Gym classes in 2017.
Sadly, the settlement from my previous relationship is *still* yet to come through, but my commitment to getting my post-cancerous-no-boob-self to China to Trek the Great Wall with a bunch of fabulous fellow National Breast Cancer Foundation supporters, is stronger than ever!
My family keeps asking me WHY am I so headstrong in wanting to achieve this goal.... well, its hard to explain, suffice to say I need to do it for me, and for BC Warriors everywhere. I want to show that despite the fact my treatment side effects are constantly pulling me backwards and making simple things a struggle, I CAN push myself to do this.
It's a little selfish - yes. I will have to rely on my family ( and hopefully the children's father!) to care for them for the ten days I am gone, and I feel incredibly guilty about leaving them.. but something inside me is telling me I have to do this... something is repeating over and over in my head to get up, get my butt moving and conquer the crappy things that could so easily hold me back...
I need to show myself, and Warriors everywhere, that although the little things are so much harder now than they might have felt before, you CAN do absolutely ANYTHING you want, if you put your mind to it!
To date I've paid over $2000 in registration and instalment fees for this amazing adventure, and I have almost met the compulsory fundraising goal of $3500, thanks to the generosity of my amazing friends and family (and some incredibly beautiful strangers!), but I still have my personal expenses to meet of almost $2000 - including purchasing some trekking gear, flights, visas and accommodation.
I've had requests from some friends to donate directly to my personal expenses, rather than the donation pool for NBCF - which is soooooo gratefully appreciated! And to make things easier, I thought I'd establish a GoFundMe *PERSONAL* page - where anything donated goes directly to my travel savings account!!
Please feel free to share my story and both fundraising pages with family and friends.
>>National Breast Cancer Foundation Donations:
All donations to this page over $100 go into the draw to win an iPad Mini!
>>Personal Donations to Trek Expenses:
(made via this page)
Any donation to either page - no matter the amount - is a beautiful and selfless gesture for which I am eternally grateful.
As long as I am alive, I will do whatever I can to support the breast cancer research and support organisations in Australia to help fight and vanquish this insidious disease.
No woman should ever have to experience the pain and pressures of a breast cancer diagnosis, and together we can further support those who battle everyday, as well as the medical professionals who work so tirelessly to find a cure.
If somewhere along the way I can inspire a few people and prove to them that no matter how long and terrifying the tunnel - there is a light at the end - then my own battle with the beast has been worthwhile.
Feel free to follow my online families on Facebook (www.facebook.comhashtagfarrahsarmy and Instagram (www.instagram.com/srv1v0r)
I can't wait to share the journey to China with you, but even more so - my arrival and experiences when I get there!!!!!
With mega thanks and big, big love,
By now you know my story..
(... if not, you can read it here: www.tinyurl.com/cybichina )
The past year has been insane... so much has happened.. both amazing and crazy, excellent and disappointing.
In short I completed the bulk of my cancer treatment, left a toxic relationship, moved suburbs, had 3 procedures and 8 hospitalisations, went to Japan in July, visited Melbourne in September, dealt with a break-in, raised two babies and built a new home and made a new life.
I was doing well at getting my health and fitness back on track, but a development with my potassium levels at continually critical lows has reversed all the good work i put in doing Yoga and Gym classes in 2017.
Sadly, the settlement from my previous relationship is *still* yet to come through, but my commitment to getting my post-cancerous-no-boob-self to China to Trek the Great Wall with a bunch of fabulous fellow National Breast Cancer Foundation supporters, is stronger than ever!
My family keeps asking me WHY am I so headstrong in wanting to achieve this goal.... well, its hard to explain, suffice to say I need to do it for me, and for BC Warriors everywhere. I want to show that despite the fact my treatment side effects are constantly pulling me backwards and making simple things a struggle, I CAN push myself to do this.
It's a little selfish - yes. I will have to rely on my family ( and hopefully the children's father!) to care for them for the ten days I am gone, and I feel incredibly guilty about leaving them.. but something inside me is telling me I have to do this... something is repeating over and over in my head to get up, get my butt moving and conquer the crappy things that could so easily hold me back...
I need to show myself, and Warriors everywhere, that although the little things are so much harder now than they might have felt before, you CAN do absolutely ANYTHING you want, if you put your mind to it!
To date I've paid over $2000 in registration and instalment fees for this amazing adventure, and I have almost met the compulsory fundraising goal of $3500, thanks to the generosity of my amazing friends and family (and some incredibly beautiful strangers!), but I still have my personal expenses to meet of almost $2000 - including purchasing some trekking gear, flights, visas and accommodation.
I've had requests from some friends to donate directly to my personal expenses, rather than the donation pool for NBCF - which is soooooo gratefully appreciated! And to make things easier, I thought I'd establish a GoFundMe *PERSONAL* page - where anything donated goes directly to my travel savings account!!
Please feel free to share my story and both fundraising pages with family and friends.
>>National Breast Cancer Foundation Donations:
All donations to this page over $100 go into the draw to win an iPad Mini!
>>Personal Donations to Trek Expenses:
(made via this page)
Any donation to either page - no matter the amount - is a beautiful and selfless gesture for which I am eternally grateful.
As long as I am alive, I will do whatever I can to support the breast cancer research and support organisations in Australia to help fight and vanquish this insidious disease.
No woman should ever have to experience the pain and pressures of a breast cancer diagnosis, and together we can further support those who battle everyday, as well as the medical professionals who work so tirelessly to find a cure.
If somewhere along the way I can inspire a few people and prove to them that no matter how long and terrifying the tunnel - there is a light at the end - then my own battle with the beast has been worthwhile.
Feel free to follow my online families on Facebook (www.facebook.comhashtagfarrahsarmy and Instagram (www.instagram.com/srv1v0r)
I can't wait to share the journey to China with you, but even more so - my arrival and experiences when I get there!!!!!
With mega thanks and big, big love,
Farrah Leanne
Baskerville, WA