Father funeral expenses and final hospital bills
UPDATE: It is with sad news that I update this that today around noon my father passed away. He had been in and out of hospital and rehab over the fall and winter months and during this last hospital stay contracted covid and due to his health he was unable to fight off the virus. Th doctors advised us that if he was to live it would be on machines and that is not something my father would have wanted so it was with a sad heart that we all concured that it was time to let him slip the bounds of earth and go to be with his father in heaven.
So we had a final visit with him and a huge THANK YOU to my brother who video called me in so I could be part of this visit.
Shortly we will turn off the campaign but we wanted to ask if there was anyone willing to help out with final costs as my mom still has the bills to pay for rehab centers and hospital and funeral. Any additional help would be so much appreciated.
Thank You all and a special THANK YOU for those who have already generously donated!! Thank You So Very Much!
A Special Thank You to my Sister in Law Heather who has given of her time to be there for my mom being I live across the country and my brothers a Trucker so Thank You to Heather for all the help you have given Mom during this difficult time!!
We Love You Dad and will Miss You!!
Janet, Dave, Kevin & Heather
From: Janet Maroney (Wife), David Niimi (Maroney, Son), Kevin Maroney (Son) & Heather Maroney (Daughter in Law)
Back in mid August 2020 our father Arthur Maroney who is 76 became paralyzed and had to be admitted to the hospital. Upon investigation by the doctors they determined that a number of nerves in his neck had been pinched due to the disks wearing out. So they went in and repaired this area of his neck so he could hopefully regain mobility again. Following several weeks of recovery at the hospital they discharged him to a near by rehabilitation center to learn to regain full control over his arms and legs as the nerves healed from the procedure.
During all this insurance and medicare has been helping to cover the bills including the 20 days he was allowed at the rehab center as that is what the limit was set for. The rehab center had checked out at 4 out of 5 stars but the facility reviews definitely did not match the quality of care given as we found out during his stay there. While they did work on him with therapy while he was there they did not focus on areas that were really required to get him to stand and such so when he returned home at the end of 20 days he was not able to even get out of a chair or bed. Even the home health care nurse they had scheduled said that they would not be able to take him on as one of the requirements was the patient needed mobility to be able to get up without assistance.
So after a short stay at home and realizing my mom would be unable to help get him up and such they readmitted him to the hospital for further evaluation by the doctors. The doctors then discharged him to a different rehab center and this one is the total opposite of the 1st center. These therapists and such are doing what is required to get him up and walking on his own again.
Unfortunately there is a 60 day cool down period between stays so he had his 20 days and he would then have to wait 60 days before he would be allowed another 20 day stint at rehab. Obviously with a nerve injury and such and the conditions he just could not wait 60 days so the insurance and medicare agreed to initially cover him for 3 additional days and to reevaluate after 3 days and then they agreed to a few more days but did not specify anything more then a few extra days. So whether they will cover any more we do not know but even if they do our folks are stuck paying the $180 a day co-pay which is mounting up fast as he's already had 20 days initially followed by 5 more days as of this post (10/19/2020)
We and the doctors can all see progress but even the doctors say 5 days might not be enough to rehabilitate his legs to a point where he can stand and move on his own and that it might take some additional days of which he might not get if insurance does decide not to cover any additional days.
The bills will be due in short order the real question is how much will insurance cover above what they have already covered or will they say they have paid enough at which point the entire balance will be left for our folks to cover themselves.
Either way they do have to cover the $180 co-pay per day which is mounting up fast as already he's had 20 days and now 5 addition days as of this post which is about $4,500 and should they have to pay out fully per day between room/board and PT then that could go up to about $500 a day and this is just for the rehab portion the hospital no doubt puts the $4,500 even higher.
Our fathers always been a hard worker even in the tough times but now being retired and on a fixed limited income it just isn't possible to go into work and toss in some extra hours to help cover these costs and we are humbly asking for some assistance to help cover these costs that are mounting up.
Thank You for considering our cause!!
Janet Maroney (Wife), David Niimi (Maroney, Son), Kevin Maroney (Son) & Heather Maroney (Daughter in Law)