Donation protected
Project Update
Our food distribution operation for displaced families was highly successful. Generous online donors made this possible. We are enormously grateful to them and indebted to them for their service.
As you know, the Taliban have forbidden girls over the age of 12 from getting an education (once again). Millions of female students with wonderful talents have been left without a future and without the hope and opportunity that an education affords them.
Four amazing young women from the minority community of Ismailis in Afghanistan have inspired me in recent years with their determination to fight for their rights. I promised to help them continue their education, even if it is outside of Afghanistan - possibly in India.
For this reason, and to fulfill my promise to these young women, and all the others in AFghanistan who are like them, I am relaunching our GoFundMe page and requesting donations to help make this happen. The page includes renderings of your chosen photo by our own, GR!
Donate to our campaign, and send your photo or selfie, and get an artistic digital portrait by artist GR. Choose the format and donation amount from the list below:
$70.00: JPEG format of the drawing (printable in A5 format)
$90.00: JPEG format of the drawing (printable in A4 format)
$199.00: Vector file (printable in large format with no loss of quality)
$225.00: Two minute HD video art time lapse of the drawing that can be showcased in a digital frame as artwork!
Please send your photos by going to our website then use contact email address
Previous Project
Thousands of women and children have escaped the Taliban and are now refugees in their own country!
Please send your photos by going to our website then use contact email address
Previous Project
Thousands of women and children have escaped the Taliban and are now refugees in their own country!
The Taliban are sweeping across Afghnaistan as I am writing to you and right now they’ve taken over many remote districts of Badakshan and thousands and thousands of people have descended in Faizabad which is the capital of Badakhshan located in the farthest north-eastern part of Afghanistan.
The women and girls have escaped because of insecurity and lack of food. My plan is to go to Badakhshan and help my people - and to help as many women and children as I can. Food, clothes, sanitary cloths, soap. They left without anything. They have nothing.
The on - going war has killed many innocent fathers in Afghanistan and has left a vast number of girls orphaned. I strive to encourage and support them with their education every day.
Please, I beg you to help the women and girls.
All monies donated will be listed on the Go FundMe page.
Thank you from the the bottom of my heart.
Fawzia Koofi
Educational Project Fundraising – By Human Right’s Advocate, Ms Fawzia Koofi
Afghanistan started a new journey in 2001, after the removal of the Taliban regime. We call it the era of democracy. It was the best era for Afghan women. We finally succeeded in gaining a quarter of rights so far, which had been previously denied to us, hundreds of thousands of Afghan girls graduated from university with a degree and many are working now.
But this came with a heavy price that the majority of us paid and still paying. The ongoing war orphans children daily by the dozen. Fathers who excitedly await their daughter’s graduation don’t live to see the day. The daughter also loses her financial income to continue earning her higher education, because higher education in Afghanistan is not free for everyone.
The system
When students graduate high schools, they have to sit a university entrance exam, Kankor. It contains 160 multi-choice questions, with the maximum score being 360. Students that scored higher than 200 qualify for one of the twenty-two government universities in Afghanistan. Students with scores between 150 and 200 may opt for private universities, and those who score below 150 have to retake the exam the following year.
Who can you help?
Many orphan girls, who have lost their fathers fighting Taliban and ISIS, come to me from time to time and share their stories. In many cases, they pass the Kankor exam but scored under 200 and are unable to pay tuition for private universities. I have admitted a dozen girls in different provinces such as Kabul, Ghor, Badakhshan and Farah to university. With the help of my kind friends who donated, we managed to pay their tuition fee for two years.
If you think this is the right cause you want to be a part of, please make a small donation and our team will be grateful to you. If you choose to continue with your donation you may receive special video messages from the student you enabled studying in a university.
Yours sincerely
Fawzia Koofi
Organizer and beneficiary
Fawzia Koofi
Kearny, NJ
Fahim Khairy