Fay/Smith Family Fund
Photos courtesy of the Fay family
We learned some heartbreaking news this week. While vacationing in Florida, the
Fay/Smith family suffered a multiple car
accident tragically losing Julie Fay Smith,
her son Jaxon, her daughter Scarlett and
her mother Josephine Fay.
I graduated high school with Julie and
connected with classmates to show our
support for her family. On behalf of her
fellow Weymouth classmates and our local community, we would like to help her
family with this fund.
Your uplifting comments are welcome.
All donations will be for Julie’s husband,
Shane, their two daughters Shalie and
Skylar and her father, Mr. Fay.
The Smith and Fay families have
established a memorial fund at North
Easton Savings Bank. For those that have
inquired about checks, they can be made
and sent to:
Smith and Fay Memorial Fund
North Easton Savings Bank
570 Washington Street
Whitman, MA 02382
The families would like to express their
heartfelt gratitude for the tremendous
outpour of love and support.