FSBA Hurricane Ian Relief to Support Bee Recovery
Tax deductible
This effort is being organized by Florida State Beekeepers Association, Inc. a 501c-3 non-profit Organization whose mission is to serve all Beekeepers in the State of Florida and beyond.
I, and the entire Board of FSBA, are making this effort to raise funds for those affected by Hurricane lan. Ian was a massive storm that left a level of destruction from the Western Coast of Florida and continued across the state. This hurricane left a level of destruction never seen before. One thousand five hundred beekeepers (1500) were affected, and more than 80,000 colonies were destroyed. Our Commercial Beekeepers are working to rebuild their equipment and colonies.
We need to support and assist the bees and beekeepers in ensuring they can rebuild and continue their essential work. We will need assistance with finances for equipment, fuel, feed, bees, and more. Beekeepers and their bees are responsible for pollinating most of the vegetables that come out of Florida to feed the rest of our grand county during the winter. Did you know that honeybees are the primary pollinator of Almonds, Stone Fruits, Gourds, Melons and Berries? They also pollinate the feed for our dairy cattle so we can have milk, ice cream and cheese. We appreciate your support; all the funds received will be used in the relief effort of Ian.
Thank you,
John Coldwell
President, FSBA
Florida State Beekeepers Association
Fort Myers, FL
Florida State Beekeeper's Association, Inc