FCBC Thailand Mission
Tax deductible
Hello Friends and Family! Our team of 19 is headed to Northern Thailand in less than 4 months. We are partnering with the Integrated Tribal Development Program in Chiang Mai and will be working/living in a village near the Thai and Burma border. Our mission is to help build a water system and filter for the village so that they have clean water to use and farm with. In our 10 days with the village, we will be working on the project alongside them, holding VBS for the children, and listening to the stories of these villagers. We would love for you to be a part of this team by supporting us through prayer or financially!
Fundraising team: Thailand Team 2019 (11)
Ivan Szeto
San Francisco, CA
First Chinese Baptist Church
Ung Family
Team member
Tiffany Hong
Team member
Jackie Ma
Team member
Ben Scales
Team member