For my studies
Dear All,
My name is Rael Erminy (25 years old), and I am raising funds in order to end my university studies in the Philipps University of Marburg. The plan is to end my career in 1-2 semesters. Unfortunately, I do not have the European passport, which means I have to extend my residence permit every 2 years. The problem I am having is that the Migration Department is demanding me to have more than 9000€ in my bank account, as a mandatory requirement. Although I have a job, it is impossible for me to achieve this amount in the 2 months that the Migration Department gave me for finding the money.
I am willing to give back the money to those who need it, by the time I finish my career.
However, I saw myself in the urgency to look for different solutions, and asking you if you could help me in the way you find appropriate. I am and will always be infinitely grateful to you for helping me.