Let’s Help Those Who Are Helping Us!
If you’re like me, you’re cooped up indoors feeling helpless. The nature of this virus keeps us apart and makes it difficult for us to unite to help those in need. However, using the GoFundMe platform, I think we can, at the very least, help those - hospital workers, firefighters, police officers, etc. - who are on the front lines trying to combat the effects if this debilitating virus.
In order to do this, I am asking for your help. Please join me in donating any amount you are able. With your donations, I will purchase gift cards to local restaurants and eateries in the Northern Virginia area (with pick up and delivery capabilities) and distribute the gift cards to those who are helping to keep us safe.
During this fundraiser, I will post pictures and copies of receipts so that you know how your donations are being allocated.
No amount is too small. Thank you!