Feed Pittsburgh Art Raffle
Tax deductible
Did you know that 1 in 7 Southwestern Pennsylvanians face hunger? 1 in 5 children.
This is unacceptable.
As we all know, it's been a long couple of years—more so for those who don't have enough. Inflation is real and has left so many without the basics. In a country where individual billionaires exist (with enough resources to take whimsical trips to outer space and buy their own islands), hunger shouldn’t exist.
The last art raffle we did for The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank brought in over $2700! How cool is that? I'm hoping we can raise this much (and maybe more?) to help feed the folks in our community. ❤️
Yinz will never know how much you amaze me. I have some of the most talented, kind and generous friends/fans out there, I swear. I am continually humbled and honored that you believe in my art and come together to support such great causes. Together, it feels like we can do anything. THANK YOU! Now for the deets...
$5 per entry. Donating more means more entries. Be sure to include a name and valid contact information with your donation. Raffle limited to U.S. residents only.
The raffle begins at 12:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, May 15, 2022, and ends at 11;59 p.m. EST on Saturday, May 28, 2022.
All money (besides the minor transactions fees from GoFundMe) goes directly to The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank.
The winner will be chosen using a random number generator, and then, notified via email. I will post an announcement on Instagram too. The winner will have 48 hours to get in touch before I have to try again.
Once I receive the mailing address (U.S. only), I will ship the glass panel using UPS or USPS. No charge to the winner.
If you have any questions about the process, please email me at [email redacted] with the subject line ART RAFFLE QUESTIONS. ✨
Meghan Tutolo
Pittsburgh, PA
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank