Feed the Fighters -Healthcare Heroes
The Goal
Raise fund that can provides healthy meals for healthcare workers and support local restaurants. We invite you to donate, make public posts on our Facebook page , and write inspirational words of appreciation. We are receiving the support from AIMS Education , who is assisting us to contact various healthcare departments in local hospitals and medical centers and arranging lunch deliveries from the local restaurants. Please check our website to see some of our previous projects.
Our Story
An example is our mom. She works in a medical center, and every day is a new challenge for her. Most of her week is spent at work, helping others, and putting others above herself. We can feel the emotions on her face when she returns from work. When she arrives home, she takes all the precautions to ensure her selfless work does not negatively affect anyone at home. She has aches and pains every day from the wearisome hours she puts in to help others. She is just one of the thousands of front line healthcare workers that experiences a similar daily routine. Inspired by our mom we want to help her and those thousands of front line healthcare workers stay positive, healthy, and motivated.
The Plan
Healthcare workers are currently being overworked in unsafe conditions with shortages of many items. Many of these selfless souls work from dusk to dawn, and they often do not get time for lunch or breaks because of the overload of patients caused by this virus. We all want to help the fighters battling COVID-19 and support our local restaurants. Why not do both? This is where we step in, we want to help support these workers jeopardizing their safety for others by providing them with meals.
Our goal is to raise $5000 to sponsor 500+ healthcare workers’ meals, all money raised will go directly to sponsoring lunches. It is a big goal, but we can achieve it if we can get help from as many people as possible. These lunches will be purchased from local restaurants, thus not only helping the dedicated healthcare workers but also supporting local restaurants on the verge of bankruptcy due to the pandemic. This one small act of kindness is a way to show our appreciation for those who are exhausting themselves to save others.
The Idea
COVID-19 has affected millions of lives across the globe. While most people are relaxing safe at home with no worries greater than the lack of toilet paper, a special group of selfless souls are fighting day and night to diminish the effects of the pandemic and save as many lives as possible. This group of people consists of the brave men and women of the health care industry. These people are doing something the average person cannot and will not do. They are acting out of the kindness of their souls and they have a desire to make a difference. The healthcare workers are fighting for everyone to combat COVID-19, working overtime, risking the safety of both themselves and their own families to help others in need. They are putting others before themselves. Without the healthcare workers, this virus would wreak a much greater havoc than it has already done.