Feed the Frontline with Boloco
Hi friends,
Thank you for visiting our #FeedTheFrontline page.
I'm John Pepper. I'm one of the founders of Boloco and Worthee (and B.Good too back in the day!). The mission of Boloco is to positively impact the lives and futures of our people and communities through bold and inspired food and practices. The mission of Worthee is to use technology to help people in low wage jobs to rise and thrive.
I've spent my career trying to use business to better peoples' lives, and thanks to encouragement of a few dozen friends afterI posted a video asking for some support , this GoFundMe page was created and is accepting donations from people near and far who want to contribute to our Feed the Frontline campaign.
During the COVID-19 crisis period, all items at Boloco are priced at $5 or less* - to accomplish this we've streamlined our menu significantly, but the benefit is that for those still working every day, our food is simple, delicious, safe, quick and as importantly affordable! We named it our #feedthefrontline effort, which only a couple of weeks later is a pretty widely used, but nonetheless important, term.
Every $5 you donate directly provides a burrito or a bowl to feed hospital workers, civil servants, police, fire, and other restaurant and essential workers who are out on the frontline. As an example, if you donate $50, that means 10 meals will be provided to the frontline organization of your choice or, if you prefer, our choice... in Greater Boston area as well as in the Upper Valley of NH/VT.
The food will be delivered to appropriate organizations beginning Monday, March 30, 2020 and we will continue to do so until the funds have been fully depleted.
Please email us if you have any questions at [email redacted].
Grateful for the opportunity to contribute.
John Pepper
Co-Founder, Chief Worker Advocate (Worthee & Boloco )
Erin Childs
On behalf of the entire Boloco Family
*until at least April 12 or if we have to cease operations for any reason