This is going to be our 6th year of the giveback On Thanksgiving day, we give out home-cooked meals & toiletries to the less fortunate. I started this 6 years ago with a couple clients & friends not knowing where it where lead(52 Meals) . Thanks to social media presence, word of mouth, and pure hearts it allowed more people to partake in the movement. Last year we handed out over 1300 meals ‼️Our goal this year is 2000 + meals & making this Thanksgiving more enjoyable for more people. •
Any donation amount $ will help!
VOLUNTEERS - If you would like to volunteer then please let me know. You can help by donating pans of food, monetary donations, time of service, joining our social media team, photographers, videographers , bloggers, etc! Also if you know any family or shelters who might be in need of our service. We would love to help! ✊‼️ •
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