Help the Guajardo Family
On February 11, 2021 my brother Felix Guajardo Jr was involved in a motor vehicle accident, on his way to work, due to the icy road conditions. He sustained multiple injuries, some of which are a fractured spine, fractured pelvis, forearm fracture, but the most serious of his injuries is a severe brain injury known as Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI). He has had multiple surgeries for his fractures but there is nothing the doctors can do for his brain injury. After doctors explained he may never recover from this injury, his wife and family have decided to give him time and move him to a facility where he will receive 24 hour care. He is currently in ICU at UMC and will have a tracheostomy and feeding tube put in, in the next few days. We are not sure what the near future holds but we ask for your help...his wife Diana has been by his side this whole time, no doubt seeing her husband go through all these things has been very hard for her. Also, his 6 kids and grandson all miss him so much and just want their dad/grandpa back.
He is the main provider for his family and we would like to help lighten their load just a bit with your help. This is just something that will help them with their necessities. You don’t have to give much just what you can. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you to all who have reached out for your love and support.