FENADOR - Associação Felicidade na Dor - Angola
Donation protected
( translation at the end)
Queridos leitores,
Hoje, dirijo-me a vocês com um coração repleto de emoção e gratidão em nome da Fenador - Associação Felicidade na Dor.
Ao completar duas décadas de existência, a Fenador tem dedicado a sua jornada incansável à formação e promoção da inclusão social e dignidade das Pessoas Portadoras de Deficiência em Angola. Esta é uma história de superação e resiliência, moldada pela visão grandiosa de seu fundador, José Gomes, um jovem tetraplégico cujo retrato adorna a primeira foto. Mesmo após sua partida em 2008, a Fenador persiste na missão de concretizar o sonho de José Gomes.
Hoje, no dia 20.07.2023, tive a honra de testemunhar a conclusão da sede desta instituição, um sonho que José nunca viu realizado. Contudo, ao contemplar as conquistas dessas duas últimas décadas, deparei-me com 20 almas sorridentes e acolhedoras, mas que vivem em condições precárias. Num quarto compartilhado por sete senhoras, uma casa de banho com louças partidas serve a todos os residentes. A falta de cadeiras de rodas é uma realidade para a maioria dos paraplégicos presentes.
A cozinha e sala de estar comum, frequentadas por 20 pessoas diariamente, também servem de quarto a 13 senhores durante a noite, com apenas duas camas individuais numa pequena divisão e um alguns colchões no chão para compartilhar. Além disso, as condições nas salas de aula e nos arredores são desafiadoras, com falta de eletricidade, tornando-os vulneráveis a assaltos frequentes, inclusive ao roubo de cadeiras de rodas que acontece frequentemente.
Convido cada um de vós a unir-se a nós nesta nobre causa. A Fenador busca apoio para fornecer alimentação, medicamentos e tratamentos, construir alojamentos adequados para pessoas com deficiência, expandir a escola primária com duas novas salas e melhorar os espaços comuns.
A história da Fenador é marcada por sonhos e determinação, e sabemos que com o vosso apoio, podemos realizar esse sonho em breve. Cada contribuição, independentemente do valor, fará toda a diferença na busca da associação por proporcionar uma vida mais digna e feliz aos seus residentes, colaboradores e estudantes.
O projeto do artesanato Galinha do Cacuaco é uma das iniciativas da Fenador para capacitar pessoas com deficiência motora, oferecendo oportunidades para desenvolverem habilidades e encontrarem alegria e satisfação no processo. Além disso, a associação necessita de patrocinadores locais em Luanda, Angola, para fornecerem materiais essenciais.
Peço que, se puderem ajudar, enviem o vosso contributo. Lembrem-se: qualquer contribuição, por menor que pareça, será de grande valia e fará uma enorme diferença nas vidas dessas pessoas!
A Fenador agradece de coração cheio pelo apoio e generosidade de cada um de vocês. Com a ajuda de vocês, continuaremos a escrever uma história de esperança e felicidade na dor!
Com profunda gratidão,
Sara Isidoro
Para mais informações, visite www.fenador.org
Dear readers,
Today, I address you with a heart full of emotion and gratitude on behalf of Fenador - Association Happiness in Pain.
Having completed two decades of existence, Fenador has tirelessly dedicated itself to the education and promotion of social inclusion and dignity for People with Disabilities in Angola. This is a tale of triumph and resilience, shaped by the visionary founder, José Gomes, a young quadriplegic whose portrait graces the first photo. Even after his departure in 2008, Fenador persists in the mission to bring José Gomes' dream to fruition.
On this day, July 20, 2023, I had the honor of witnessing the completion of the headquarters of this institution, a dream never realized in José's lifetime. However, as I reflected on the achievements of these past two decades, I encountered 20 smiling and welcoming souls living in precarious conditions. In a room shared by seven ladies, a bathroom with broken fixtures serves all residents. The lack of wheelchairs is a reality for the majority of the present paraplegics.
The common kitchen and living room, frequented by 20 individuals daily, also double as sleeping quarters for 13 gentlemen at night, with only two single beds in a small room and a few mattresses on the floor to share. Moreover, conditions in the classrooms and surroundings are challenging, with a lack of electricity making them susceptible to frequent robberies, including the theft of wheelchairs that occur all too often.
I invite each of you to join us in this noble cause. Fenador seeks support to provide food, medications, and treatments, construct suitable accommodations for people with disabilities, expand the primary school with two new classrooms, and enhance common spaces.
The history of Fenador is marked by dreams and determination, and we know that with your support, we can realize this dream soon. Every contribution, regardless of the amount, will make a significant difference in the association's efforts to provide a more dignified and joyful life for its residents, staff, and students.
The Galinha do Cacuaco handicraft project is one of Fenador's initiatives to empower people with motor disabilities, offering opportunities for them to develop skills and find joy and satisfaction in the process. Additionally, the association needs local sponsors in Luanda, Angola, to provide essential materials.
I ask that, if you can help, please send your contribution. Remember: any contribution, no matter how small, will be of great value and make a tremendous difference in the lives of these individuals!
Fenador extends heartfelt thanks for the support and generosity of each of you. With your help, we will continue to write a story of hope and happiness in the face of adversity!
With deep gratitude,
Sara Isidoro
For more information, visit www.fenador.org
To all who may read this message,
With immense gratitude and thankfulness, I address you on behalf of Fenador - Happiness in Pain Association. Fenador has already reached its 20th anniversary, and throughout this journey, it has been tirelessly dedicated to educating and promoting social inclusion and dignity for Persons with Motor Disabilities in Angola.
Fenador's history is a story of overcoming and resilience, inspired by its founder, José Gomes, a young quadriplegic with a grand vision of creating an organization that would support individuals with motor disabilities and fully integrate them into society. Even after his passing in 2008, Fenador has remained steadfast in pursuing José Gomes' dream.
Today, July 20, 2023, marks the day when I witnessed the realization of this institution's headquarters. Despite feeling proud of everything that has been accomplished in the last two decades, I also saw 20 individuals with smiles and warmth, living in conditions that lack the bare essentials. Here is some information about their current situation (or lack thereof):
- All residents are paraplegic, but only a small minority have wheelchairs.
- They have one room where 7 ladies sleep, sharing individual beds, and one bathroom (with broken fixtures) for all residents.
- There is one communal kitchen and living room, where 20 people have their daily meals and spend time together. Additionally, 13 men share the same space to sleep. There are two individual beds in a small room and only a few mattresses spread throughout the kitchen and living room at night.
- There are 4 classrooms accommodating over 130 students, creating job opportunities for colleagues (residents or not) with some form of disability. Three more classrooms were started, but due to the lack of funds, the construction is currently on hold.
- Most of the area or classrooms do not have electricity, which means there is no light at night, making them more susceptible to theft - which occurs frequently, and even wheelchairs are stolen.
I would like to invite you to join us in this noble cause. The association is seeking much-needed support, including:
- Support for food, medications, and treatments.
- Construction of a building to accommodate people with disabilities (so they don't have to sleep on the kitchen floor, storage rooms, etc.).
- Expansion of the primary school with two new classrooms and improvement of common spaces.
Fenador's history is marked by dreams and determination, and we know that, with the support of people like you, we can soon realize this dream. Each contribution, no matter how small (even 5€ makes a significant impact!!), will make a difference in the association's efforts to provide a more dignified and happier life for its residents, collaborators, and students.
The Galinha do Cacuaco handicraft is one of Fenador's projects for the training of people with motor disabilities. Through initiatives like this, the association seeks to provide opportunities for these individuals to develop their skills and find joy and satisfaction in the process - also becoming the main source of income for the association and its residents.
The association also needs local sponsors (Luanda, Angola) to provide materials such as:
- Paper for recycling (old newspapers, etc.)
- Glue for making paper paste
- Cooking oil
- Paints, brushes, etc.
If you can help, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Remember: any contribution, no matter how small it may seem, will be of great value and will make a huge difference in their lives!
Fenador wholeheartedly thanks you for your support and generosity. With your help, the association will continue writing a story of hope and happiness in the face of pain!
With gratitude,
Sara Isidoro
Learn more at www.fenador.org
Sara Isidoro
Ferrel, 10