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Surgery fund for Polly

Donativo protegido

(Updated 08/12/20)

Hello! My name is Polly, I am a trans femme person and I am raising funds to be able to afford to get FFS (facial feminisation surgery) and cover additional costs of bottom surgery.

I have been on hormone replacement therapy for close to 8 years now. While this managed to change most of my body in a way that I am incredibly happy and thankful for, it unfortunately does not do much for one's face because it does not affect the bone structure. As far back as I can remember I've always struggled with my face, feeling a big disconnect as it doesn't really feel like it belongs to me.
In the past I've tried to just live with it somehow, but my dysphoria has been increasing to the point where I don't know how to cope with it anymore. I am hoping that the surgery will make me be able to feel more like myself when I look in the mirror and when I interact with others.

FFS is a surgery that combines different procedures. In my case I am looking to get the following done:
- Facial reconstruction
- Tracheal shave

These procedures cover the aspects of my face that give me the most dysphoria and thus are the highest priority for me. The total cost for the procedures themselves is 10.400€. Beyond that I have to pay additional 7.660 to cover my stay in the clinic, the costs of the hospital, medication, material costs and the anaesthetics which brings it up to a sum of 18.060€. As the clinic is in Spain I will also have to pay for travel on top of that.

Unfortunately health insurance in Germany does not cover any FFS as it is seen as a cosmetic surgery. This is why I am trying to raise money to be able to make this happen for me.

Beyond this I am also aiming to have bottom surgery. This however can (for the most part) be covered by health insurance. From what I understand I will have to pay at least 2-3K of additional costs for this though.

This is why I've made this fundraiser in hopes that others will be able to help me achieve the means for these surgeries. If you can't afford to donate any money yourself I would also really appreciate it if you would share  this fundraiser within your network.

I am very aware that it is a big sum to ask for and that it might take a while but I'm incredibly thankful for any help towards my goal!

Lots of love


Polly H
Berlin, Berlin

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