Unable to work fibula fracture
Hi I'm Amy and I'm a RN along with taking care of my mother who had 2 strokes. Last Saturday she fell and had complete fracture of her right fibula and partial fracture of Tibia with displacement. She cant bear weight on the leg and because of her strokes had to use walker before. I took the last week off from work due to her being total care. I am the only family member so I'm primary caretaker. I was planning on going back to work for few hrs next week before mom has to have surgery to repair her ankle but this morning I fell and broke my right fibula. That's my purple cast in pic. I can't weight bear and I'm on crutches. If you could donate anything to help pay basic bills and buy food I would be eternally greatful. I'm thinking I will be out of work for at least 2 months or more if I need surgery too. Below are mom's x'rays God bless.