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Fight for Baby Fesenbek

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Our family is asking for prayers and support for my Neice Chelsea, Her husband Jo, their young daughter Benny and unborn child. In February my niece Chelsea began having complications with her pregnancy. It has been a long few weeks of doctor appointments, tests and physicians have narrowed in on why her amniotic fluid levels were virtually zero. It appears baby's two kidneys are non-functioning. physicians have met with the family and have begun a delivery plan. My great neice/nephew will be coming into this world on or around April 2nd, 2018. Chelsea and Jo will have a very short couple of minutes to hold their baby before she/he is carefully transfered to Childrens NICU. We are told the next 48 to 72 hours are critical to get baby's lungs functioning. During this time performing more kidney evaluation. Baby will be transfered to Seattle Childrens Hospital. He/She will be in need of dyalisis several times a week. The basic new situation will require appointments for dyalisis intervention, numerous surgeries, appointments, transportation, food and housing needs. We are being told a transplant is can take up to three years. This has been heartbreaking news. Personally, I heard the news from my sister in law Bonnie (Chelsea's mama). I read the fear and uncertainty in her words. It was fresh and raw. I was reminded of the passing of my brother, (Chelsea Stepdad) Bill(y), the grief we individualy experienced. God showed me my own words of that time, "I will not let Satan steal my joy Of my time here and now. I will grieve when he goes home to the Lord".....This was a choice to live with purpose and excitement everyday.
It is uncertain times but we as a family will not let this news steal our joy or hope! Amen?! Chelsea and Jo have their fighting gloves on and are choosing joy and hope rather than fear and dispair!! We all agree we need to live and love in the present and not the fear of the future. We are not living in fear, though we understand what this baby is dealing with. We are living in the joy and miracle of this little child for every minute and moment we have him/her in our presence! Wether that be days, years or decades. As my sister in law Bonnie has said "this kid is going to have one heck of a fight on their hands and all prayers are needed." This is true... As well Chelsea, Jo and Benny will be in need of much support. Which is why Financial support will be an absolute. This will be the beginning of support for our family, it takes a village to raise a child. We are hopeful the many of you will be Chelsea and Jo's village.
Bonnie has set up a account specifically to help with expenses, food, housing, medical and transport needs. We have set a high relatively realistic goal, this will be a long term fight on many levels. We want Jo and Chelsea to be able to focus on what's important for them, the baby and Benny. They do not need to stress about funds and transportation. I know there are many creative ways we all can give. Please find it in your hearts and resources to give where and how your lead to. That might be money, service, your own resources like a vehicle, or maybe you own or manage a auto insurance company. Maybe you volunteer where resources can be available, maybe your free to transport, clean or babysit.

Please donate here for any cash blessings.

Other needs
* a reliable car and a year paid of Auto Insurance.
*Gas gift cards.
*groceries seem to be a need met, however gift cards to Amazon or Target to help meet for both babies and household needs.
*Power cost is necessary and would love to bless them with a bill paid in full!!

We will update this list as we find needs or changes.

Your prayers are coveted. We are abundantly blessed and we serve a god that has never failed us or forsaken us!


  • Bridget Johnson
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Heidi Brazier
Olympia, WA
Bonnie Kok

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