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As many of you may have heard our close friends Randi Foster and Michael Shynkaruk’s 2 year old boy Daxton has recently suffered a stroke and is now fighting for his life. Daxton had a very serious ear, sinus and bone infection that went undetected. February 29th Daxton’s mom Randi treated her son for a low grade fever that went south within hours. Daxton started to have multiple seizures and was rushed into emergency. They found a blood clot at the base of his brain,  so they immediately intubated little Daxton to help his brain heal. They have been told that he has suffered some brain damage and will have visual and behavioral issues. His brain continued to swell and on March 3 he was rushed into the operating room for an emergency craniotomy to release the pressure. He remains in critical condition and they were given the harsh news that there is nothing more medically that can be done. It is now left in Gods hands. He is currently in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit ventilated and unconscious. Time will tell once he starts to wake up what further treatments will be needed to take place. It will be a long battle and we are asking for help from family, friends, and community in this tragic time as Randi and Michael take time off work to be close with Daxton. We would be grateful for any donations, prayers, or support that you may have to offer for Daxton and his family.


  • Ron Carol Schira
    • $100
    • 5 yrs


Brenna Siegel
Shell Lake, SK

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