Fight For Londynn
Let me tell you about Londynn.
Londynn was found in the back of a warehouse with the rest of her siblings. Londynn always made weird noises when she purred but we didn’t really think anything of it, till we realized it was getting worst and it deff wasn’t normal, Londynn is only 3months and already has been to the vet more times than an older cat. She’s taking multiple medicines but nothing has helped, she is progressively getting worst and it’s getting harder for her to breathe. Vets can’t tell us what’s wrong with her so they can’t prescribe her what she really needs. The reason we have not done these tests is because it’s very expensive, she needs an X-ray and cat scans before it’s too late i would like to get this don’t for her, just the other day she suddenly stopped breathing she collapsed to the floor, her mouth was purple and she was gasping for air. I rushed her to the emergency vet, because i knew she would die if i didn't. That was so scary, so that is why I’m asking for help. I love her so much and want to fight for her as much as i can. It’s getting very serious any help will be appreciated strong>