Donation protected
Hello, My name is Brian Gillam; I am asking for the communities help in funding the expenses of my brothers bail and my car getting wrongfully impounded. I was on my way to the studio last night after I had just got out of work and was pulled over by Fresno PD. My license is suspended and I am only deemed to drive in the course of employment. As most of you may know I rap, this is just one of the many things I do in order to legally make a living. I was completely honest, respectful, and compliant with the officer that pulled me over. I let him know my situation in regards to my license. I let the officer know where I was going, what I was doing, and why. For whatever reason as soon as I told the cop I make music and showed him proof of the revenue I received from my music (streams, my LLC for my record label, bank statements, ect.) the officer told me I was lying. Things escalated quickly after this. He cut me off in pleading my case to go about my day and called in 3-4 other cop cars to “back him up”. On top of this they also had a helicopter circling my car. I didn’t feel safe or right so I called my friend to notify my family what was going on. Once the officer seen I was doing this he asked me to step out of the car or else he was going to handcuff me. I simply complied. The officer became aggressive as I made my way out of the car. He yanked me out of the car, forcefully turned me around to check if i had any weapons on me, smacked my keys and vape out of my hand, hung up my phone call, and placed me in handcuffs saying I was going to jail for a misdemeanor of driving under a suspended license. I was placed in the back of a cop car and the tow truck was called to take my car. I still remained calm in this moment and asked the officer to speak with a sergeant to plead my case once more. I was ignored for about 20 minutes. There were 8 cops on the scene by now and most were just on their phones, laughing, and conversing. The sergeant finally comes and speaks to me. As I began pleading my case once more my older brother, Orlando Gillam, arrives to the scene. He inquires about the situation at hand and end up getting slammed on the ground by 3 cops. The same officer who decided I was lying was the 1st to initiate force and 2 others followed. At this point the sergeant left to see what the commotion was about and never returned to hear me out. After this the we’re being extremely aggressive with my brother. Putting him in cuffs, picking him up, saying he was detained but not giving him any charges. In the mist of this they ended up letting me go because they had no reason to hold me. Everything I said checked out on their records. Despite of this they still gave me a citation and towed my car. They took my brother into custody to spend the night in jail. They refused to let us know his charges before taking him downtown. They are now trying to pen a felony on him saying he assaulted an officer; which is untrue. The same cop that initiated contact with my brother complained he had suffered injury of a scratch, giving them reason to charge my brother with assault. We have video evidence this is untrue and my brother was complaint in backing up with his hand in the air when this officer decided to attack my brother. All the evidence of this is on my twitter and instagram @bx3hree. My brother has suffered bruises and scratches on his wrist, has a bail priced at $15,000 and my car is currently still impounded at a price point of $600+. We are asking the community to do what you can in supporting us with this ordeal whether that is calling in reporting a complaint against officer D. Mendez, donating what you can, or even just reposting everything; regardless we would greatly appreciate it. The money donated will be used to pay a portion of my brother’s bail and get my car back. Please spread this like wildfire. We are honest law abiding young black males who were brutally and wrongfully treated by the Fresno Police Department. Help us fight again racial targeting and police brutality. Again anything helps. Peace and love.
Brian Gillam
Fresno, CA