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Fight Like A Girl - Misti Waldrop

Don protégé

As most of you know Misti is now dancing with Jesus.
Any funds raised will be used for funeral expenses and support for her 5  year old daughter, McKenzi,
Thank you all so very much. 

- Bailey 

Wayne and I are working towards raising some money for Misti and her journey. As many of you know Misti has been fighting hard and we want to help with the fight all that we can. There have been some recent changes in her plan of care. We are asking for prayers and support. The journey hasn’t been easy but we are #Mististrong

We appreciate you all. 

Misti is a 34 year old single mom who works full time as a police officer. She just completed another series of chemotherapy. The IV therapy has been very rough this time around. Misti works hard and does not want to miss a minute of work or time with her daughter or family.  Wayne and I believe that she deserves the world and we do not want finances to be a burden for her. Your support is very appreciated. 

Thank you,

Wayne and Bailey 

Je contribue


  • Joseph Goff
    • 50 $
    • 4 ans
  • Elisa Stewart
    • 50 $
    • 4 ans
  • Vicki Scott
    • 100 $
    • 4 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 50 $
    • 4 ans
  • Natasha Riley
    • 50 $
    • 4 ans
Je contribue


Bailey Hargrave
Andrews, TX

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