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Fighting Cancer for Tameka

Donazione protetta
41  yr old single mother with two boys. One son, D'Angelo, in college and other son, James, in 4th grade. Daughter of  Debbie Bedell and Ernie and Helen Bedell

Diagnosed with stage 3B breast cancer April 13, 2017. Full mastectomy June 2017. Continued lymph node surgery the following month. Started chemo on August 5th. Thirteen treatments of chemo with additional diagnosis of nephropathy in feet due to meds.  Receiving six week  radiation treatment every day starting early February, 2018 focusing on lymph nodes in neck, chest wall, back, and left breast. Following all treatment will need reconstruction surgery.

Need help with overall medical bills, insurance decrease, travel, and living expenses.



  • Kayla Manning
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Tameka Bedell
Springfield, MO

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