Fighting for Justice Cole
On Monday June 7th, our sweet "Cole" had a extremely random choking incident. To soothe the pain and discomfort his new braces were causing he was chewing on a nerf gun dart just sitting on the couch. Moments later he was holding his throat indicating he was choking. Micha immediately ran to his little brother and started doing the Heimlich. Cole's little body became lifeless and Micha and Mischa Chang (step dad) immediately began CPR. While the ambulance was en route life saving measures by beating on Coles 13 year old little 75lb body and breathing for him continued. Medics were able to eventually get the dart out and rushed him to the hospital. They estimate Cole was without oxygen for about 25 minutes. The medics had to use paddles to get his heart beating again. Currently "Cole" is in the Pediatrics ICU on life support. CT scans have showed swelling on his brain, and some brain damage. The recovery at this moment is unknown, a horrifying waiting game for his mom, dad, Mischa, brothers, grammy, papa, and everyone who loves him. He has been unresponsive to all tests at this time. The doctors are slowly weaning him off sedative meds to try and get his brain to start functioning more. WHEN Cole recovers (because he's stubborn and will fight through this) doctors have talked about him having to go to hospitals in Spokane or Denver to continue any necessary treatments. It will be an extremely long long road ahead. As most of you know Sam has 5 amazing boys. They will need everyone's support during this time. Many work days taken off, or having to temporarily move to a new city to care for Cole will be a huge financial burden on them. Please help in any way you can, any amount is so appreciated. Please continue to Pray for our sweet Cole, and family. The family asks humbly for privacy at this time, as Cole and her boys are her number one priority, visitors seem to agitate this little guy and his brain needs as much calmness as possible to heal.
UPDATE: The doctors are now talking about sending Cole to Denver where they will hopefully be able to work on rehab and have more knowledge in brain injuries. The funds from this gofundme will help towards extreme medical bills, help supplementing the time Sam and Mischa Chang have had to take off from work so they don’t lose their home/cars etc, and caring for Sam and Mischa’s other four boys.
Thank you all so much. Lots of Love.