Fighting For Steve Hardy
Unfortunately I have some bad news to share. I normally don’t post any personal business of ours but in this case , it’s necessary. My husband Steve was diagnosed with cancer last week. He has melanoma cancer on the optic nerve behind the eye and between the brain the size of a portabella mushroom. The specialist thinks it may have been there for years. They are setting us up with an oncologist from Centennial hospital to have his body scan done. As some of you know we are both self-employed , so we have no insurance at this time. The doctors are trying to help us with that side of our problem.
-Christy Hardy
We are trying to raise money to help with medical expenses and help his family as he will not be able to work as much if any while he is in treatment. They are a completely self employed family so every bit will help. If you are unable to donate please just say a prayer for the Hardy Family and share if you can! Thank you!
-Heather Koster (Friend of the Family)