On February 28, 2020, Kassandra was 20 weeks pregnant when diagnosed with breast cancer invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3 Along with her2positive XXX. She went for a second opinion at MD Anderson where she had to get more studies done two new biopsy were performed on left side of breast and axila one close to the lymph nodes came out malignant neoplasm. she then found out that it had spread to her lymph nodes. Happiness and joy quickly became clouded by fear and anxiety. She knew she had to act fast if she wanted to save her life and the babies. On March 20th she got her Portacath placement and baby boy and Kassandra started chemo treatment on April 7 2020 In the second week of her first session of chemo treatment, Kassandra started experiencing hair loss. Due to Kassandra being high risk she will be receiving her chemo treatments in the valley once every 3 weeks for 12 weeks. Once she delivers Kassandra will have 2-3 weeks to recover before the starts the second round of chemo where she plans to start in Houston. It's going to be a long fight but we have made sure to remind her that she is not alone because no one fights alone CANCER WILL NOT WIN THIS BATTLE. Not only is cancer unexpected, vicious, and ugly but its also expensive. I created this Go Fund Me to help Kassandra and her family enjoy the birth of her new baby boy without the burden of all the medical bills she has been receiving and will continue to receive.
We humbly request everyone to respect Kassandra privacy and direct your messages of support & love to this forum, as opposed to reaching out directly, as they are expending all their energy adjusting to the new normal. She will have access to this page and will be able to read all your comments, so please share kind words and positive messages.
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