Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Fight For Amber

Beschermde donatie
Fight-For is dedicated to helping disable children from ESSEX that are often undersubscribed or overlooked.

Fight-For not only intend to raise the profile of these much deserving causes, by promoting their  cause to a wider audience, but we raise much needed cash to support their ongoing treatment.

Please look at our website Fight-For.com or our Facebook page ‘Boxat Fightfor’ to see the very worthy causes we support.



Amber is an 8 year old little girl who has a rare chromosome disorder called Phelan McDermid syndrome.

Having this syndrome means she has no speech and severely low muscle tone which results in her being unable to walk or crawl, she needs help with every part of daily living. Amber has no independence and needs 24 hour care for the rest of her life.

Despite all of her troubles she is a happy and determined little girl, in the last few months Amber has amazed her family, with the help of a special walker which keeps her upright she has been able to take a few steps.

With the help from fundraising this will enable her family to pay for specialist physiotherapy and equipment to help them reach their ultimate goal....their special little girl being able to walk independently.

Boxers - please tag yourselves, share,


  • Kinetic Kickboxing Kids
    • £162
    • 9 jaar
  • Hugh Platt
    • £10
    • 9 jaar
  • Julie Jones
    • £10
    • 9 jaar
  • George Lenox
    • £50
    • 9 jaar
  • Susan Southey
    • £10
    • 9 jaar


Boxat FightFor

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    Je donatie wordt beschermd door de GoFundMe Donatiegarantie