Filing for 501(c)(3) and EIN
Donation protected
Hey friends and other loved ones!
We’re taking our first official step towards creating our new dark fantasy convention! Instigated by Morgan Harris, it will be brought to life by our group that wants to create a unique convention experience that will be both welcoming and immersive to con goers. It will also be an event that supports our wider community through connection and exploration.
This first step is filing for a 501(c)(3) status and creating an EIN. We are seeking this status so that we can function both as a community event and be able to raise money for the causes and activist groups we will be supporting each year. To make this step happen we need to raise the money for the filing fee to become a 501(c)(3).
This is where you come in! We are reaching out to you all so that we can get going and move on to creating a Kickstarter (with fun teasers, exclusives, and reward tiers) and make sure that we can realize this new convention in a way that will give back to our communities and causes that matter to us. All we’re looking to raise right now is the filing fee. It may seem like a small amount, but it is a big step in realizing the creation of this convention.
Morgan Harris
Vancouver, WA