Help Filipinos in Philippines Earn Money Writing
Donation protected
I'm Charles , a retired Programmer in California trying to help people in the Philippines make extra money through writing articles for four of my websites. The first two sites are TravelESP and DogSploot. It's for anyone there who likes writing or may aspire to be a professional writer someday. I'm accepting people there proficient in English who can write quality articles people will enjoy. This work-at-home opportunity can be welcome help for them during this Covid-19 era and beyond. I am already attracting writers for the sites.
Currently my manager in the Philippines oversees work there, does social media, and artwork, etc. My staff there creates infographics, collects/publishes quotes and other misc. tasks. A high school student in the Philippines writes articles, but mainly makes YouTube videos for the sites. I maintain the sites, edit and help optimize the articles and publish them.
What inspired me to help Filipinos in the Philippines?
I met my wife, a Filipino, on a business trip to Hong Kong in the early 80s, where she was working as a maid or housekeeper to provide money for her family. It's hard to imagine having to leave your country to make more money as a housekeeper. This is not unusual in the Philippines where a non trivial number of people go elsewhere to make money to provide for their families..

I've been very fortunate in my life
Many people have helped me all throughout my life. As early as 16 years old, someone with influence helped get me into the best, newest technical high school in Chicago when I was out of the district. I took 2 years of electronics that ultimately lead, several years later, to a Senior Electronics Technician job diagnosing and repairing aircraft navigation computers.
Several times after that someone helped me. Even on my last job as a programmer, where I told a visiting lady I only wanted the job for one year to get recent experience so I could leave to get a much higher paying job. Surprise...she became my manager a week later. She didn't fire me, but over the next 10 years I worked there, she gave me great assignments working in new languages, using the internet, and important roles in creating new applications. I retired from there over a dozen years ago.

I was helped by others many times
Here are some other instances where someone helped me and it made a significant difference in my life.
Sometimes I knew the person that helped me, other times I didn't.
* being fortunate enough to help a blind Amateur Radio Operator and his wife (also blind) for almost a year until our family moved to California
* transferring from my sergeant's(he did not like me ) platoon to signal platoon where I got my own communications vehicle and handled secret coded messages for officers
* getting into a special class in college where I earned an FCC Commercial Radio Telephone First Class License
* helping young PHDs' run laser experiments in the mid 60s when lasers were new
* getting a prime job as a computer operator in the late 60s for engineering/scientific jobs including analyzing rocks brought back from the moon
* a mysterious person calling me at my Electronic Technician job guaranteeing me a Programmer/Analyst Job if I went on an interview(I did and got the job) Note - that person was a headhunter I'd never met or knew about.
* buying my current home (it was a new, rather expensive home) 30+ years ago when I had no job nor income.

Time to pay it forward
Now, just a few months shy of 80 years old, I want to pay it forward, the help I received. This time to help people in the Philippines. Most of my wife's family and friends still reside there. I've been there and know of some of their struggles. I've had some myself here in the USA . I've had people in the Philippines help me before with my websites and they did an excellent job. I want to help them now.
Below is the Travel site we're starting with. Currently there are over 60 new writers creating new content for two of the sites.
The Sites

There are already dozens of new article submissions on the travel site, and a few on the second site, DogSploot. But I need a lot more articles and money to pay writers. That's why I'm asking for your help.

Who will Benefit
Beginning Filipino writers and others in the Philippines who can write articles for websites. Those who have good English writing skills are preferred. Aside from making money from their writing, I hope some of the writers can use this writing experience if they pursue a writing career. Others may get inspiration from this experience and decide to have a website of their own.
How any money raised will be used:
1) To help pay writers for their articles
2) Costs for someone to SEO articles (make them easy to find for search engines)
3) To help pay someone to search for and add free images to articles as needed
4) To help cover necessary subscriptions, any product creations, and misc. expenses
5) To help pay for social media exposure of the articles and website
6) To help in paying my existing staff in the Philippines
7) To run ads to get more people to the site - only if I raise enough money
8) Estimated minimum costs for 105 articles for each of 4 sites
$582 ea for 4 sites = $2328 for costs #2 - #6 above
$1890 ea for 4 sites = $7560 for cost #1 above
Totals $9888
Note 1: It cannot be known in advance if any website will be profitable.
Note 2: I estimate that 105 articles will give an indication if a website can turn a profit.
Note 3: Hence 4 websites have a better chance of at least one becoming profitable.
On the Travel site, this travel video was created by my manager in the Philippines.
On the Dog site this cooking video was created and edited by two of the staff in the Philippines.
A potential next site for articles

I need money to pay for more articles
I can get more articles if I have money to pay for them. My own funds are very limited. I cannot currently pay for all the articles needed to make the sites profitable.
More articles mean more traffic to the sites. In turn I can monetize the sites with ads or potential products once they have sufficient traffic. I'm nowhere near that point yet. More content/writers creating interesting, informative articles will make a big difference in traffic to the sites. That and/or ads or products ultimately can lead to profits. With sufficient profits I can pay writers more money.
Your Support will help people in the Philippines
Some writers have families. Some are students. They will be able to make needed or extra money for themselves and families by working from home. I know how difficult it is for most Filipinos to make decent money. Their articles will keep the sites alive and gaining traffic, which means making money in the future. Once these sites are profitable I have or can create more sites thus offering even more writing opportunities and pay to help people there.
I will be Very Grateful for your help
Any contribution you can make will be highly appreciated. It will go to help the writers and give them a chance to get their writing published and exposed to the public. It will also help my staff in the Philippines and can lead to more opportunities in the future. I feel confident everyone writing and helping on this project will be very appreciative of anything you can contribute. All monies collected will go to the writers and my staff in the Philippines.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give to this project to help people in the Philippines.
Currently my manager in the Philippines oversees work there, does social media, and artwork, etc. My staff there creates infographics, collects/publishes quotes and other misc. tasks. A high school student in the Philippines writes articles, but mainly makes YouTube videos for the sites. I maintain the sites, edit and help optimize the articles and publish them.
What inspired me to help Filipinos in the Philippines?
I met my wife, a Filipino, on a business trip to Hong Kong in the early 80s, where she was working as a maid or housekeeper to provide money for her family. It's hard to imagine having to leave your country to make more money as a housekeeper. This is not unusual in the Philippines where a non trivial number of people go elsewhere to make money to provide for their families..

I've been very fortunate in my life
Many people have helped me all throughout my life. As early as 16 years old, someone with influence helped get me into the best, newest technical high school in Chicago when I was out of the district. I took 2 years of electronics that ultimately lead, several years later, to a Senior Electronics Technician job diagnosing and repairing aircraft navigation computers.
Several times after that someone helped me. Even on my last job as a programmer, where I told a visiting lady I only wanted the job for one year to get recent experience so I could leave to get a much higher paying job. Surprise...she became my manager a week later. She didn't fire me, but over the next 10 years I worked there, she gave me great assignments working in new languages, using the internet, and important roles in creating new applications. I retired from there over a dozen years ago.

I was helped by others many times
Here are some other instances where someone helped me and it made a significant difference in my life.
Sometimes I knew the person that helped me, other times I didn't.
* being fortunate enough to help a blind Amateur Radio Operator and his wife (also blind) for almost a year until our family moved to California
* transferring from my sergeant's(he did not like me ) platoon to signal platoon where I got my own communications vehicle and handled secret coded messages for officers
* getting into a special class in college where I earned an FCC Commercial Radio Telephone First Class License
* helping young PHDs' run laser experiments in the mid 60s when lasers were new
* getting a prime job as a computer operator in the late 60s for engineering/scientific jobs including analyzing rocks brought back from the moon
* a mysterious person calling me at my Electronic Technician job guaranteeing me a Programmer/Analyst Job if I went on an interview(I did and got the job) Note - that person was a headhunter I'd never met or knew about.
* buying my current home (it was a new, rather expensive home) 30+ years ago when I had no job nor income.

Time to pay it forward
Now, just a few months shy of 80 years old, I want to pay it forward, the help I received. This time to help people in the Philippines. Most of my wife's family and friends still reside there. I've been there and know of some of their struggles. I've had some myself here in the USA . I've had people in the Philippines help me before with my websites and they did an excellent job. I want to help them now.
Below is the Travel site we're starting with. Currently there are over 60 new writers creating new content for two of the sites.
The Sites

There are already dozens of new article submissions on the travel site, and a few on the second site, DogSploot. But I need a lot more articles and money to pay writers. That's why I'm asking for your help.

Who will Benefit
Beginning Filipino writers and others in the Philippines who can write articles for websites. Those who have good English writing skills are preferred. Aside from making money from their writing, I hope some of the writers can use this writing experience if they pursue a writing career. Others may get inspiration from this experience and decide to have a website of their own.
How any money raised will be used:
1) To help pay writers for their articles
2) Costs for someone to SEO articles (make them easy to find for search engines)
3) To help pay someone to search for and add free images to articles as needed
4) To help cover necessary subscriptions, any product creations, and misc. expenses
5) To help pay for social media exposure of the articles and website
6) To help in paying my existing staff in the Philippines
7) To run ads to get more people to the site - only if I raise enough money
8) Estimated minimum costs for 105 articles for each of 4 sites
$582 ea for 4 sites = $2328 for costs #2 - #6 above
$1890 ea for 4 sites = $7560 for cost #1 above
Totals $9888
Note 1: It cannot be known in advance if any website will be profitable.
Note 2: I estimate that 105 articles will give an indication if a website can turn a profit.
Note 3: Hence 4 websites have a better chance of at least one becoming profitable.
On the Travel site, this travel video was created by my manager in the Philippines.
On the Dog site this cooking video was created and edited by two of the staff in the Philippines.
A potential next site for articles

I need money to pay for more articles
I can get more articles if I have money to pay for them. My own funds are very limited. I cannot currently pay for all the articles needed to make the sites profitable.
More articles mean more traffic to the sites. In turn I can monetize the sites with ads or potential products once they have sufficient traffic. I'm nowhere near that point yet. More content/writers creating interesting, informative articles will make a big difference in traffic to the sites. That and/or ads or products ultimately can lead to profits. With sufficient profits I can pay writers more money.
Your Support will help people in the Philippines
Some writers have families. Some are students. They will be able to make needed or extra money for themselves and families by working from home. I know how difficult it is for most Filipinos to make decent money. Their articles will keep the sites alive and gaining traffic, which means making money in the future. Once these sites are profitable I have or can create more sites thus offering even more writing opportunities and pay to help people there.
I will be Very Grateful for your help
Any contribution you can make will be highly appreciated. It will go to help the writers and give them a chance to get their writing published and exposed to the public. It will also help my staff in the Philippines and can lead to more opportunities in the future. I feel confident everyone writing and helping on this project will be very appreciative of anything you can contribute. All monies collected will go to the writers and my staff in the Philippines.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give to this project to help people in the Philippines.
Charles Harmon
Lake Elsinore, CA