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Final resting expenses for Josh

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Joshua Allen Tryde passed away after being found unresponsive by police. His heart was stopped, and by the time the EMS arrived and revived his heart, nobody can say how long his brain was with no oxygen. 10 minutes is the safe max, so apparently he was there longer. Doctors said from day one there was a zero chance.. But we gave him 48 hours before making any decisions. So after the 48 hours and with heavy hearts, we knew it was time to let go. We met with The Sharing Network because Josh was an organ donor. He was kept on the ventilator for an extra day so they could run tests and find recipients. Everything except his lungs were in great shape! So Sunday Sept 9 at LEAST 4 People were getting life saving organs! Josh had no healthcare or life insurance. Because of his age he was booted off ours at age 25.  I would like to raise as much as i can to have a service so all his loved ones can see him one more day, without medical equipment surrounding him.  Id also like to have something that night for his friends and family to just sit and tell happy, funny stories of times they had with Josh. He is survived by 2 beautiful daughters. 2 brothers, mom, dad, NANA, Papi, aunts, uncles and loads of cousins that are going to miss him so much. If you come to his services, which are on Friday Sept 14th, dont come in a suit and fancy dress. Come as Joshua knew you! NASCAR, Rock shirts, whatever!


  • Jackie, Liz, Uncle Jack Tryde
    • $150
    • 6 yrs


Jean Lynn Fetzer
Manville, NJ

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