The Final Stretch for Everhart Village
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You can make a difference by donating to Chico Housing Action Team's Everhart Village project today. We're building s village for homeless folks with a mental illness, with 20 emergency-shelter sleeping cabins, a road, utilities, and a community building. But our construction costs have increased dramatically in the past two years, and we need another $400,000 to finish it. We're raising $100K through grants, another $100K through corporate and business sponsorships, and $100K through a special event. That leaves $100K that we're raising through crowdfunding!
Construction at the Everhart Village site started on Monday, Sept. 26th, and crews are currently grading the site and starting the excavation, so sewer and electrical lines can be put in. We're planning for the project to be operational and accepting new residents by January 2023.
CHAT Director of Social Services Amber Benedict talks about
how the cabins will be outfitted, with Butte County Housing
Authority Director Don Taylor. April 2022.
Everhart Village's ground-breaking ceremony, July 2022.
Construction crews and equipment at the Everhart Village
site, Sept 2022.
Chico Housing Action Team