Search for Emma Fillipoff
Emma Fillipoff vanished from downtown Victoria, BC on Nov 28th, 2012.
She was last seen talking with two police officers across from The Empress Hotel at 8pm, and the prepaid credit card she purchased that day was used five days later, on Dec 5th, 2012 at a gas station in Colwood, BC.
In the summer of 2018, a credible witness came forward with a new tip that reveals Emma may have been headed in the direction of Colwood, still shoe-less, at 5:15am on Nov. 29th.
You can listen to a detailed interview with the witness in our podcast, The Search for Emma Fillipoff, which also includes a detailed timeline covering various sightings of Emma earlier that day. (Link)
From this new lead we can now trace more of Emma's steps that night and surmise an updated possible last known location, allowing us to take action and move forward with a thorough search of the area, beginning next month.
We are on our own with this search as the Victoria police department are not willing to help, therefore we have requested the assistance of a renown volunteer search dog handler, Kim Cooper, and one of Shelley's volunteers, videographer, Kimberly Bordage, who will assist with the search and document any findings.
A tentative search date has been set for Dec 1 to Dec 3. Being that this is a volunteer search, there must be enough money to help cover the cost of flights and accommodations, so Shelley Fillipoff and her team have created this GoFundMe campaign in the hopes of getting the public's assistance.
The proposed search areas: Craigflower bridge, Gorge Waterway, Railroad tracks from Victoria West to Colwood, the Galloping Goose Trail, Portage Park and Inlet, Goldstream Park, and Thetis lake.
Kim Cooper is the owner and senior instructor at Best Friends, based in Ottawa, and has been training dogs for over 30 years. She is a Veteran of over 250 searches for missing persons and was Featured in CBC Podcast “Someone Knows Something” and National Geographic’s “Finding Dial”. We are incredibly grateful for Kim's willingness to help.
Dog Search in Victoria – 3 days
Documenting the search in Victoria – 5 days
Kim Cooper, Founding member of the Ottawa Valley Search & Rescue Dog Assoc.
( )
Kimberly Bordage, videographer
Volunteer crew
Return flight costs
Location transportation, parking, tolls costs
Lodging and food costs
Equipment rental
Incidentals and fees
TOTAL $6,425*
*Funds donated are for hard costs and all participants are volunteering their time.
Based on available time and weather conditions we may be unable to search all the proposed locations however if the funds are raised a second search will be conducted in the spring.
You can listen to The Search for Emma Fillipoff podcast at ( The Search for Emma Fillipoff Podcast ) It is an amalgamated collection of known facts about the disappearance of Emma Fillipoff as well as new previously unknown information to the public. Narrated by Kimberly Bordage with interviews with Shelley Fillipoff as well as a new witness, William.