On August 24th my son disappeared and was reported missing after not showing up to class. My son’s car, wallet, clothing, phone AND body were found in five SEPARATE locations. His murderers are still FREE and we’re losing confidence in local authorities as they never made Jelani ‘s disappearance a priority
I’ve experienced the most unbearable pain that I don’t wish on any Mother. My BLACK EDUCATED SON was missing for 30 DAYS and received hardly NO media coverage or assistance from the FBI… BUT when a YOUNG WHITE GIRL went missing for 48 HOURS… she received NATIONWIDE COVERAGE AND HELP FROM THE FBI…. I CAN’T SEE NOTHING BUT RACIAL DISPARITY..
My son was respectful. He loved the Lord. He ran track at Alabama A&M, was attending Illinois
State to get his master’s degree in speech pathology and is a member of the fraternity Omega Psi Phi…. My son was just getting started and his life was taken away.
The donations will cover a monetary award, mental and grief counseling, and to assist our family in the days to come as we continue to seek justice for Jelani.