Find peace for this old beautiful soul
The story of this beautiful soul. In his short time that we've known him, we found out that he was 20. He stumbled into Becky's yard over by Wedgewood covered in dirt and feces being skinny. She took him in the middle of the night to the emergency vet. The scanned his microchip and while it didn't give any information on his owners it said he's been adopted out in 2002. He was at least 20 years old. The vet sent him home unable to clean him up nor willing to do much for him.
Becky wasn't able to keep him overnight, because she had work the next day so she dropped him off at Casey's house (mine.) I had seen her post on West Seattle Connection trying to find his owner and offered to take him in for the night. (I just lost my old man senior ginger kitty, so my heart went out to this guy.) He was in rough shape and couldn't keep things down.
I tried IV fluids since he was so dehydrated. I gave him a bath that night to remove some of the feces caked in his back feet. The bath was pretty traumatic for him, but he pulled through and slept the rest of the night.
We tried all the channels to locate the owner. The best we ended up getting was the owner was aware he was dying, but didn't want part in it. (I don't know the full story here, so I'm holding off judgement and looking at the positives of everyone leaning in for this sweet soul.) Edit:His owner called off a post on West Seattle Blog. It looks like he was fighting an infection and wandered away.
The next day he woke up crying for attention. I moved him to his own bed in the bathroom. He drank and ate a little, but anything in his system leaked back out of him. I gave him a second bath to finish cleaning him up. His fur still reeked of urine and feces. He was very weak and could hardly move after his shower. I sat with him and softly dried his fur and held his hand and stroked his face. I worked on the couch for a while and he started to perk up. He'd meow if I wasn't holding and stroking his face and reach out his paw. I was wondering if this wasn't going to be care, but hospice as this time. He was clean and warm and affectionate.
A local healer Rose reached out said it wasn't her cat, but she felt motivated to help and send good thoughts for him and to clear his energy. I needed to run out to my kid's swim meet, so I placed him in a nice warm cozy bed. By the time I got home, he'd passed softly curled up and clean in his bed. She had sent me message that said she felt his energy was low and not flowing well, but it cleared up slightly although it wasn't that strong. This would have been around the time he passed in his sleep.
While it wrecks my heart that I barely got to know him. His existence has touched many. I'm setting up this GoFund me because so many people have offered to help. With all the people his life touched in the last few days of his 20 years, I feel like he deserves a cremation and service. He was an amazing sweet kitty that ended up out on his own to die without his people.
I talked to the owner's of Resting Waters in West Seattle. I am taking his body up there to be cremated. I think when we die we all want to feel like we meant something to someone. I want him to know that I don't know the circumstances he was locked out on the street and left, but in his death he left an imprint on so many of us.
I know folks have offered food, toys, bedding, etc. but he can't use them. Instead I'm asking if you would want to donate a small amount toward his creation, so we can show him the same level of kindness and love that he was still able to show all of us in his state being over 20 years old and let out. Its about $250 for the cremation and the paw print. If any one feels moved to give toward this, I will apply it to the bill.
If for some reason, what I collect exceeds the amount I will use it on another senior kitty in need and post the story here for accountability.* It takes a village. Thank you to my neighbors that are complete strargers for all of your kindness. This sweet soul ended up passing in a nice warm place, clean surrounded by love. <3
*thank you to everyone’s generous donation for giving this guy such respect, since the amount is goingover I will use the extra to help another senior kitty in his honor. We lost our own senior and it looks like there is a place in the world to help our old babies that don’t have anyone.